Friday, May 30, 2008

Mark My Words

The following transcript is a testimony of my political stance regarding China during a dialogue between me and another Chinese patriot, who on the one hand, is sympathetic to Constitutional Monarchy, while on the other hand, facing the bleak prospect of such aspiration, conceded to Chinese Communists' tyranny.

"Hey, pal, if you call that politicking, then I AM ALL REVOLUTIONARY, I am only LOYAL to the FIVE COLOR FLAG, so be it, if you want to convince me into allying with you on the cause of constitutional monarchy, I might've been your convert, but you talking about compromising with the commie, that is an absolutely NO WAY, it's not only for me, it's a NO WAY for the commie as well (realistically), at least until the day they cease to call themselves commie bastards. Now you talking about TOLERANCE as a given in any democratic process, good luck with this one with the commies since they're all for "democratic-centralism". I do have tolerance for communism, that is for idiots and university professors, and it is to be reserved in those two domains only.

IF so-called "peace and dignity of CHINESE PEOPLE" comes in the auspices of the commies, I AM AGAINST IT ALL THE WAY! (because the reality in the commie system, there will never be peace and dignity, man! They will keep locking people up and exploiting the populace on their ignorance and their fear). Don't you see? In the commie system, there will never be a chance "to share and express their different opinions freely". COMMON INTEREST is in the eyes of the beholders, but now by 21th century universal value, freedom and democracy is the only viable way. We all want to see CHINA grow stronger, better, prosperer, and I shall add, humaner, freer, and more civilized. That is why today I will continue to fight those commie bastards on the street of New York, and everywhere in the world until the WALL falls in China.

Even though my inflammatory words might incur some misinterpretations, I've never explicitly endorsing violent revolution. The world has witnessed in many instances in the end of 20th century that democratic revolutions could be achieved via peaceful means. It would be a tragedy that the ignorant folk under a half century of obscurantism exercised by the Commie dictatorship would continue support this evil regime, with apocalyptic consequences, much the same as the Palestinians choosing the Hamas, the Iranians choosing the Ayatollah Khomeini, and the Germans choosing the Nazis. Therefore, it is our DUTY, as a free thinking patriotic Chinese to correct the wrong course of direction in our national destiny, albeit against the popular wisdom for too often history has attested that it being misguided by deceit and fanaticism, and to continue call for the establishment of freedom and democracy in China.

It is an utter transformation of political institution, administrative configurations, that is the end of commie dictatorship and adopting federal republicanism, rewrite the constitution, change the name and flag of China, and ultimately a sublimation of the Chinese National Spirit, and that constitute as the 3rd Revolution in the history of modern China. I am confident that eventually this would happened and I am prepare to be a foot soldier for such Noble Cause. Namely, to restore Honor to China."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008



An encountering in front of the Liberty Bell and the Independence Hall in Philadelphia with Chinese human rights activist Dr. Yang Jianli. Dr. Yang, along with other prominent Chinese democratic theorists such as Yan Jiaqi and others had collaborated in drafting a provisional constitution for a Federal Republic of China ten years ago. The detail of whose enterprise titled "Initiatives for China" could be viewed via his website:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

《520 纽约申明》




Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Lack of Chinese Symbolism: That's a Problem.

I have reached a grave observation that contemporary Chinese lack a rich reservoir of symbolism in which they can be proud of feeling connected with their rich past and glorious culture, in the same way that Japanese, Westerners, and Muslims do, all thanks so much to the great catastrophe of World Communist Conspiracy that coerced the Chinese today blindly embraced nothing other than that PRC para-communist five-star red flag as the Chinese national flag --a big-time mistake, with a general ignorance even to the underlining symbolism of that flag, to wit, an existential testimony of CCP dictatorship. ( Where the big star stands and stood for, something that any free thinking being simply cannot be reconciled with.)

The only other two most famous symbolism left to contemporary Chinese today is that Ying-yang symbol and the Chinese characters, something we indeed would feel proud of. Nevertheless, the former has a limitation with a Taoist religious association, granted an essential part of China, has already been taken onto the flag of South Korea, and generally demoted that rank of cliché and kitsch, the same destiny that we see Chinese characters have suffered likewise, among the bazaars, 99 cents markets, and everywhere on people’s flesh as tattoos of meaningless vulgarities.

In the above reckonings, I, as an artist by training, and a nationalist Chinese, will contribute to the revival of Chinese symbolism, in the hope that it would be restored back to its ancient Golden Age glory, in which icons and symbolisms assume a sacred meaning to people and command an equally powerful reverence from the people, such is the proper ideals of a Chinese conservatives, and such shall be the way of a future prosperous, free and confident Chinese federation. The subject of which is to be categorized as Chinese heraldry中国纹章学.

And I encourage all to contribute to the now almost dried-up reservoir of Chinese symbolism.

Thus spake Dachuxing

Sunday, May 11, 2008



--- 大楚兴如是曰。



五星红旗1949- 。红祸迭起,生灵涂炭,暴政肆虐,民愤冲天。自由度最低,非常死亡率最甚。

另:五色旗体现的是1911年第一共和精神之真谛,联邦体制之表现,构成今之所谓“中华民国”版图(实为前大清帝国之继承)的五大元素,实乃最妥也!“五”又象征了10数之“中”,稳定乾坤,为中国之征,又代表了吾华夏传统文化之精髓,如五行,五常,五德等等,实乃接合古今之大成也。(老孙曾一意孤行,非要用革命党,即现国民党的旗帜为中国国旗,被黄兴等众人反对,才将其移至左上角,谓之canton, 多加了个滿地紅,乃成现今之形。为妥协其临时大总统之位,勉强服从临时参议院决议,定五色旗为中华民国之国旗)

青天白日滿地紅旗与五星红旗皆出自一党之手,实为准党旗,为一党专制作注脚,难免不为天下所服。青天白日滿地紅旗在台湾不被民粹者所拥护 (充其量也就局限于泛蓝阵营及外省人中),五星红旗更被今之藏人,反共人仕所唾弃,皆出自其出师无名之短也!










驅除共匪 重鑄民主
五族共和 再造民國


Federalists of China

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

"六四"十九周年祭 6-4-1989 Tiananmen Massacre

Remembering June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre