Sunday, September 23, 2007


(Latin:“The die is cast”)

I start to kindle up a notion that if we're to effect changes to China, and ultimately revolutionize the whole course of our collective destiny, we ought to begin with the Great Chinese Diaspora abroad, which in itself, constitutes a nation in its own right with over tens-of-millions population scattered all over the world, with a heavy concentration in the West; and heretofore there has yet to emerge an all-embracing and all-encompassing authoritative leadership who can wield a substantial political clout within and subsequently without the whole community, such as a Martin Luther King type of figure. Should we have such a charismatic and dynamic figure surfaced in the near future, I think our lot as the generic identification, i.e. CHINESE, will not only substantially improved in the host-countries, but more momentously, will ultimately contribute to the downfall of that evil regime, namely, the Communist Party of People’s Republic of China!

Sometimes I feel like our people are almost yearning for such a messianic Deliverance from the saving Grace of God to the redemption of our miserable folks who’re without a spiritual home to return to, and instead, many had transferred such desire to a delusion of worshipping the False Idol, i.e. Mao and his evil legacy. People on the alternative are practicing FLG (Falungong法轮功)and other forms of religions; while most simply gave in to naked materialism and sheer nihilism. Contemporary Chinese at the turn of 21th century is indeed a “lost people”, or shall we simplify as the wandering flock without the shepherd.

Monday, September 17, 2007

To all Federalists

-All action must be folded into alignment in accordance with the Cause.

-All undertaking must be co-opted to the overall implementation of the Agenda.

Sunday, September 16, 2007




Friday, September 14, 2007

a Couplet of Soliloquy


A Belly of a collection of the Anthology* and the Books# will sublimate one's Virtue.
A handgrip of the Wu-sword will fortify one's Will.
* the Anthology refers to the Classic of Poetry 《诗经》
# the Books refers to the Four Books of Confusian classics 四書為儒家经典:《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》。

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Standing in front of the "ne plus ultra PAINTING", recently executed in the month of Aug. 2007 AD--ultimate symbol of an ontological and eschatological aspiration: Five Color Flag of the Chinese Union.


I hereby pledge my allegiance to the Five Color Flag and take pride in the flag for eternity. So help me God -- Dachuxing.