Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Clarification


When people said the U.S. is a young country with little over 200 years of history, they have mistaken in terms of failing to distinguish the difference between a people of civilization with modern nation-states. The United States is actually the forefather of modern statehood and the progenitor of contemporary republican statecraft.

Therefore, when all of those chauvinistic and insolent, but ignorant, and yet naïve-willed Chinese folks whose brains were saturated with ethnocentric fanaticism fired up by CCP’s so-called “patriot education”, and flaunting about the longevity of the Chinese civilization who allegedly maintained a 5,000 years of tradition and culture, he failed to recognize that his modern citizenship, which is registered under the commonwealth of PRC has only gotten a little over half-a-century of treacherous turbulences. Granted, that the Chinese civilization is one of the oldest civilizations still in existence, and certainly deserved to be placed among mankind’s top-brass achievements along the journey of our collective evolution. Nevertheless, the Communist regime of CCP was a late-comer in terms of modern nation building.

In the light of such clarification, while the U.S. has gotten a long record of superb presidencies, a magnificent and heroic national history, and an honorably national tradition with a brilliant constitution, the history of PRC falls so short that it is dwarfed with nothing but shame and sorrow. Suppose one is to apply for naturalization for PRC citizenship, he’s going to learn that the Independence Day of PRC is Oct. 1st, 1949, which was in fact, established through decades-long of bloody struggles to the final grand scale of coup d’etat resulting in subversion of the Nationalist’s government and their ultimate retreat to the island of Taiwan.

On its founding date, Tibet was still independent, and only got conquered and occupied in ’50-’51 by CCP’s Red Army under party propaganda of so-called “liberation from mediaeval serfdom and theocracy”. The territory of PRC was arbitrarily drawn which cannot pass keen scrutiny. According to conventional wisdom and existing protocols, which state that the new regime inherits the territory of the previous one, and it is in this light that the CCP does so to justify its legitimacy over Tibet, Taiwan, etc. However, the geographic polity of the last regime, both Qing Dynasty and ROC were far more encompassing than the PRC’s long-enduring indoctrination of the visual imagery of its map: “a chicken with two eggs”. (This might be strange to foreigners but it was consistently taught in mainland Chinese schools.) Both the Qing Dynasty and ROC had vast amount of territory to the North of Manchuria and the whole of Mongolia under their jurisdiction despite its implementation in reality due to specific circumstances of a particular historic phase, and this fact, had simply been forgotten, and shamelessly ceded away to the Soviets during the initial phase of CCP’s strive for power.

If CCP argues that Tibet had belong to China since the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th Century, which by the way, was ruled by the Mongols, it should mind-as-well reclaim all of those territories once ruled by the Mongols, which extended to modern Eastern-Europe. But all of this is nothing but bigotry and an utter imperial gesture that the Free World simply cannot tolerate. For the totalitarian regime of CCP only brings misery not only to the people under its ruling but also menacing the security and well-being of the people living around it with its surreptitious “soft-power” coercion.

Upon this simple revelation, one can easily pierce through the smokescreen that CCP had veiled upon China, and only finds out the fact for himself that since the birth of PRC in 1949, there’s nothing admirable about it, other than the fanatical worshipping of a ruthless and pitiless tyrant, a bloody history of Stalinist/Maoist purge, massacre, incarceration, intimidation, manipulation, liquidation, widespread starvation, nuclear proliferation, and downright shameless perpetuation of a BIG LIE.

One will seriously start to doubt how the CCP would prepare the lessons for PRC-naturalization. Sample questions might be like:
-“what was the years of Culture Revolution”?
-“how many people perished under Mao’s rule”?
-“what year was the first nuclear and hydrogen bomb being exploded in China?”
-“what’re the names of the ‘gang of four’”?
-“what happened on June 4th 1989”?
-“what was the main achievement of our president Jiang Zeming?”

But, of course, the Reds would simply cover up these stigmas and powder it up with some vainglorious fanfares and bloated banalities that we’re too familiar with these days.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Taiwan Question

During Nixon’s visit to China in 1972, which opened the door for official US-PRC diplomatic relation, he had spelt out a statement on behalf of the U.S. government to Mao that the recognition of “territorial integrity of PRC” was a “fundamental element” of US foreign policy toward PRC. Under this concept of so-called “One-China” policy, it endorsed in essence, the PRC’s legitimate governance on China along with all the vast territories outside of China Proper but within the PRC’s national boundaries, and also acquiesced the de jure status of Taiwan that she’s an integral part of China, thus underscored both CCP and KMT’s claim that Taiwan is a province of China.

Therefore, under contemporary political status quo, for Taiwan to achieve independence as a self-governing, independent and sovereign state is at odds with all existing protocol of US, PRC, as well as ROC( i.e. Taiwan)’s diplomatic policy in spite of all evidence and practical phenomena suggest to the fact that Taiwan at this moment of our history is de facto, an independent sovereign entity.

I have always expressed my deepest sympathy toward the 23 million folks of Taiwan and their longing for legitimizing their political status and the recognition of their statehood. However, as history is always complicated and full of anomaly and even self-contradictories, the cause for Taiwan Independence is a justifiable one in every reasonable sense, and yet, falls short to be a vain struggle in the face of stark naked pragmatism and realpolitik. As current KMT leader Ma Yin Jiu had also expressed opinions on today’s cross-Taiwan Strait situation as one that’s subtle and highly controversial. He proposed on behalf of KMT’s general diplomatic policy and of the whole Taiwanese people that they should seek a viable “modus vivendi” under current political atmosphere, thus cunningly hedged at the question of Taiwan Independence but nonetheless, seek to maintain Taiwan’s separate political entity from mainland and open dialogue with CCP on positive improvements for mutual benefits.

As for myself, my stance toward Taiwan as well as all other former independent political entities, e.g. Tibet, Uigur country, Mongolia, etc. that are being “integrated” into China has already been expatiated in FPC’s general platform. To summarize, the geopolitical territories of PRC is in desperate need to be reconfigured after the fall of Communist dictatorship. At that moment, Taiwan will eventually rejoin the Chinese union as part of the federation. It can still be self-sustained as it previously did. However, at that moment, vast new frontiers are opened for all political parties that’re grass-rooted from Taiwan, as it being one of the first Chinese lands to initiate democracy, to invest into the mainland and help to build democracy in the heartland of our beloved civilization.

In a nutshell, I am sympathetic but am not endorsing the cause of Taiwan Independence. I held firm standpoint that Taiwan is an integral part of China, the motherland, the country, but not the CCP’s currently administrated super-state known as PRC. I sincerely wish to see one day folks from every corner of a united provinces of Great China, such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Uigur province, Tibet, Mongolia, Shanghai, etc. will all come together under the federacy of a new China of democratic and republican ethos and be proud of being a citizen of the Federal Republic while still retaining their aboriginal integrity.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Red troops entering Beijing with their giant propaganda brigade.

Red troops entering Nanjing with a conspicuously uninspired welcome.

Early phase of Reds’expansion in terms of carving out of turfs in China and establishing it into so-called “Liberation Areas” wasn’t as smooth (i.e. receiving warm welcome from local people) as later ones might’ve assumed. It was achieved through careful manipulation of propaganda, education, plus a ferocious amount of naked forceful coercion.

Later on, the Reds’ own breed of offspring such as the Little Red Guards were being brainwashed from the day their miserable little soul descended onto this sorrowful country. Believing they’re now living in a proletariat-utopia of a “new China”, even though they’ve been starving throughout their youthful years; got pushed around left and right with facetious ideologies; trained to worship the Devil’s Incarnation, Mao, as the Messiah, despite the fact that while they’re singing the Internationale, it explicitly says in the lyrics that: “There are no supreme saviors”, their mental capacity is fully capable of the Orwellian style of Double Think, thus satisfying themselves with the ultimate bliss of ignorance. When they fell out of usage and proved to be expired of their exuberant teenage energy, they were relegated to the backbreaking, dirt-poor rural areas to be “re-educated” for a better tomorrow! It lasted a decade long, and for some, sealed off their destiny to be pinned now in the countryside of a perpetual tribulation.

Today, the majority of this generation is remotely educated, unlike their same generational counterparts of the babyboomers in the West who took up the main helm of the well-being of mankind. Some of them are practically illiterate, and possess ZERO awareness of the meaning of Principle (derived from rational self reflection and set up a range of ethical standards), Honor (consists of virtue, justice, and courage), and Morality (thus formulating the meaning of the essence of man and translating it into contribution toward one’s fellow kind). This sheer bleak social/moral phenomenon provides fertile soil from which the ever-infectious Party of red terror can exploit and further advance their deep-rooted weed of poisonous indoctrination.

Thus the People's Republic still ominously dictates the fate of our beloved civilzation--China, even though it is neither People's, nor an authentic republic, nor true Chinese, but an utter pandemonium dominated by zombies and Orcs.

A Manichean judgement and the final clash of Light and Darkness had yet to be waged.

Thursday, September 07, 2006




--摘自: 2006年8月中共机关报之一,《解放军报》, 文章题为:《红军长征精神:服从党的绝对领导》



吾生於1982年﹐上海。不幸在就讀上海市雁蕩路小學時非由己願地加入中國共產主義少先隊﹐被強迫洗腦﹐宣誓效忠黨的利益﹐參加了這個全球第一的反人類組織。所幸中毒未深﹐吾於1994年隨全家逃離了這紅色恐怖鐵籠。在美國的成長中吾漸漸認識到中共的可惡與猙獰﹐實乃吾華夏子民千百年來之大劫﹐其禍之深甚於秦始﹐慘於金﹐遼﹐元﹐清﹐直至吾泱泱華夏文明幾乎在二十世紀末被摧殘殆盡。當代中國左禍之殃﹐使之吾國非國﹐吾民非民。為此吾深咎兒時無知而參與中共少年組織﹐其惡之類有如 HITLER‘S YOUTH。吾鄭重声明退出中國共產黨少先隊組織﹐並強烈譴責中共在半個多世紀來對廣大中國﹐西藏﹐蒙古﹐新疆人民所犯下的滔天罪行﹐吾堅信歷史終究會作出公正的評判。在此吾呼籲廣大同胞秉著良知儘早告別中共獨裁﹐建立一個我們真正熱愛的民主聯邦制共和國。

New York
2005-08-26 05:06

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Three Dialectics from the Editor of Global Chinese Press in Vancouver

source: Contributed by Com. Liu














