Tuesday, October 17, 2006

《走向共和 》Commentary

The Communist government in China has alleged that the series portrayed the Republic of China's founding father Sun Yat-sen incorrectly, as a so-called "clown". After the show's cancellation and complete ban of the series in April 2003, many have speculated there were political reasons for the ban especially of its anti-conventional portrayal of mighty historical giants like Li Hongzhang and Yuan Shikai. According to popular wisdom imposed by CCP's state-sponsor education in mainland China, these two figures are synonymous with traitor and state-hijacker. However, this great work of art has shed new light to people along the course of an epic journey for alternative versions of historical facts.

After its wide dissemination into the general public and overwhelmingly applauded reception by the people, CCP had sensed an uneasy air from its tacit implication and seemingly unwitting suggestion, which might led to an awakening of people's inner judgement and speculation on an alternative road of China's nation-building, thereby soon led to its heavy-handed censorship and gradual liquidation from the public in the same light as the banning of "He Shang". (River's Sorrow) in 1987, which was a six-episode documentary film dealing with China's destiny in the modern era, and served as a prerequisite for students and intellectuals who fomented the 1989 Tiananmen Incident.

"Towards the Republic" remains to be a spectacular tour de force by the Chinese entertainment industry and the millions of nerves it has tapped on will continue to wage dynamic repercussion into the future.

Two lines from Li Hongzhang's poetry helped to coin the essence of this high-octane drama and served to inspire millions of ingenious minds such as his contemporaries, Yuan Shikai and Japan's prime minister Ito Hirobumi:

一万年来谁著史 (who will write the history in ten thousand years)
三千里外欲封侯 (I intend to be lionized in three thousand miles far afield.)

Thursday, October 12, 2006


*對於「國」的現代闡釋實為複雜﹐因其現代語義乃西方近代產物。其義一指為行政國轄區內的全體國民﹕NATION-STATE/CITIZEN。故英語之NATIONALISM (民族主義) 應實翻譯為「國族主義」。又指人種族群﹕NATION /ETHNICITY故中文譯的「民族主義」被誤解為「種族中心主義」ETHNOCENTRISM。在此筆者用之「國」乃最廣義之代表﹐橫跨兩者﹐如諸多持居住國國籍的華僑仍可視為「國人」﹐而諸多居住在中國的少數民族亦可稱為「國人」﹐如﹕滿﹐蒙﹐回﹐藏族中國人。







*此類特征曾遍及海外僑社宗堂愈百年之久。國父孫中山就以此精神團結諸力量﹐創建「同盟會」暨「興中會」而能推翻滿清帝制﹐建立共和國。然﹐此股不容忽視的力量在中共建立政權後亦受到不斷被蠱惑和統戰的威脅。早期僑居海外的唐人精英份子被中共建立起的虛幻海市蜃樓所迷惑﹐在懷著精忠報國的心態下投身「革命事業」﹐為此付出了慘痛的代價。而自1979年改革開放以降﹐中共以更狡詐的伎倆對華僑發動了新一輪的統戰。他們對往事一筆勾銷﹐平反昭雪﹐而抓住僑民普遍的國族主義情結拉攏僑團﹐並給予大量的名利暨物質誘惑﹐封官受爵﹐在精神上腐化國人的良知。此等惡劣現象至今蔓延在海外華埠﹐以致令筆者在目睹諸僑領在國人喜慶節日時為五星紅旗暨其黨魁大肆歌功頌德的諂媚嘴臉時不盡望而卻步﹐ 而祗能淡出這充斥著醜惡與虛偽的場所﹐在心靈上慶祝吾神聖的民俗節日。








Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Authentic Birthday of the Republic with Authentic Flag

Today is the 95th birthday of the Republic of China. I would just like to take this opportunity to address the following issue which is in essence a crucial concern for all Chinese nationalists:

On Oct 10th 1911, after more than a decade of revolutionary struggle and a dozen of abortive attempts lead by Dr. Sun Yat-Sun, the establishment of the first republic in the Far East was finally authenticated with the initial victory in the city of Wuchang. This date marked the end of millenniums of dynastic tyranny over China and the final defeat of the Manchu Empire, albeit the fact that it was a tumultuous period in the modern history of China and that the republican ethos and democratic spirit feeble at the nascent phase of the Chinese nation-statehood, it was nevertheless a true and sacred date for all patriotic folks to celebrate.

For this very simple reason, October the 10th will always be the national holiday for the Chinese republic despite the changing waves of historical movements, a half-dozen competing national flags, along with shameless Communist treacheries and lies, our natinal identity will always be linked with the original emblem: the Five Color Flag.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

A Piece of Hitory which Humanity should be ever Vigilant of

Two Japanese officers, Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda competing to see who could kill (with a sword) one hundred Chinese first. The bold headline reads, "'Incredible Record' (in the Contest to) Cut Down 100 People—Mukai 106 – 105 Noda—Both 2nd Lieutenants Go Into Extra Innings".

Source: This news was originally reported by the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun 东京日日新闻in December 13, 1937. Both soldiers were extradited to China after the war, tried for their actions ("crime against humanity") in Chinese court, and were executed on January 28, 1948.