Wednesday, May 31, 2006

14 Points of FPC《中国联邦党十四点》

1-Calling the end of Chinese Communist Party's overlordship and its hegemony on the East Asian continent.

2-To establish a democratized Federal Republic of China.

3-Creating a system in which our country is to be presided over by a quasi- automatic self-correcting political mechanism that has a self-improvement function, and thus transforming the country into minimum and unobtrusive governmental intervention. In other words, to destroy the condition of a police-state that the CCP had created.

4-The core of our nation’s strength and her supreme power lies in an impeccable legal system. The proper running of which will be supervised by the incumbent government. The legal system will be perfected to cover every concrete aspect of our citizen’s livelihood.

5-By no means will we tolerate any forms of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, or despotism. This vigilance should be devotedly observed within our own camp, with a clear distinction from disciplinary rules and regulation.

6-To initiate a new era of national progression based upon inheriting our traditional cultural elements and absorbing the essence of Western Civilization, in order to advance China into an authentic modern and civilized republic.

7-Reinstall true sense of peace and spirit of righteousness and morality into our people’s mind.

8-Protect, and in many cases revitalize our sacred environment, which we respect dearly as one’s own parents and ancestors, from any forms of depravation. We are heralding a policy of improving the ecosystem, in order to foster a green and healthy home for the people to live in, as well as becoming a more responsible and caring member of global community.

9-Our mission will not be called to an end until she become competent enough to be a guarantor of world peace and stability.

10-To forge the FPC into a powerful and dynamic organization which will spawn numerous branches and outreach programs, whose principal agenda is the maintenance of a free and democratic republic, and the propagation of refining our collective national character and virtue.

11-To guarantee the fundamental human rights of every citizen, regardless of age, gender, economic status, religious beliefs, and ethnicities. All are to be treated as equals before the law and constitution.

12-To welcome His Holiness, the Dalai Lama to return to Tibet, and upgrade the status of Lhasa similar to that of the Vatican’s. Also to observe the legality of foreign missionaries and their due rights, such as the Roman Catholics, Muslims, Christians, FaLunGong practitioners, Buddhists, Daoists, Confucians, Mormons, etc. In other words, to end CCP’s atrocious religious persecution.

13-Engage in friendly dialogues with Taiwan, and seriously considering the eventual reunification with the reserve of a possible referendum on both side of the Taiwan Strait, thus fulfilling a grand and yet unaccomplished dream envisioned by our forefather, Sun Zhong Shan one hundred years ago.

14-Devise a new system of education and revise the Chinese language more akin to its traditional version, and promote a substantially significant teaching of fundamental and orthodox Confucian philosophy by means of enticing and modern methods to our youngsters.



3-创造一个体系以使我们的国家可运行在一类似有自我改善功能的自动调整政治机制,从而使行政对社会的干涉转变成最小化和不凸现的。换句话说, 废除中共所施的警察国家制度。



6-以继承我们传统文化元素及吸取西方文明本质为基础的条件下,开启国家民族前进的新纪元, 以使我国步入一个真正的现代和文明的共和国。


8-保护我们深深尊敬的犹如自己亲人般的生态环境, 并在许多情况下重新恢复它的生气与活力, 使其摆脱任何形式的恶化。我们坚持一套改善生态系统的政策,以培育一个绿色健康的乐土而使人民得以安居乐业, 同时致力成为一个更有责任感和人道的国际成员。


10-将我党打造成一个具备诸多分部和延伸工作组的一个有力和全能的组织, 其贯彻宗旨皆为自由和民主共和国的维护, 以及传播并提炼我们集体的国家民族的素质和品德。


12-欢迎达赖喇嘛教宗返回西藏, 并升级拉萨为与梵蒂冈类似的级别。同时尊重外国传教士的合法权益,如:天主教徒,回民,基督徒,法轮功练习者,佛教徒,道教徒,儒家, 摩门教徒, 等等。换句话说, 结束中共对宗教的残暴性迫害。

13-启动与台湾的友好对话, 认真地商榷最终的和平统一,并预备在台湾海峡两岸进行全民公投的可能性, 如此实现一百年前国父中山先生未能完成的一个壮观而宏伟的理想。


Saturday, May 27, 2006





一曰兵者。其實99.9%之兵者﹐皆非兵。因其僅在其青壯年間中數年從戎﹐而其本質大多數非工則農。故中共宣傳標語﹕「工農兵」 實乃一個群體。又有常言云﹕「解甲歸田」﹐同理。而兵者武人中罕有鮮見者﹐其本質實非兵。如﹕孫子﹐普魯士軍事理論家﹐克勞賽維茨(von Clausewitz) ﹐實為哲學家。成吉思汗﹐華盛頓﹐希特勒﹐拿破侖等﹐皆為革命家。馬歇爾 (Marshall), 艾森豪威爾﹐(Eisenhower), 諸將實為政治家。

一曰商賈者。因其從事的實乃一虛幻之物﹐云錢幣﹐故其99.9%之從業者本質上亦如其業﹐曰虛幻。而從中亦鮮出數名異象者。如﹕穆罕默德﹐早年從商﹐而實乃一先知。如皮爾蓋茨 (Bill Gates) ﹐迪克錢尼 (Dick Cheney) ﹐等實乃政客。而商賈之職﹐終非人本﹐其業永遠不能顯形成實。正如莎翁在《威尼斯商人》中所述﹐「繁殖一堆不孕黃銅」(a breed of barren metal) 乃從商之本。而如今方興未艾的資本主義亦應僅被視為載舟之水﹐而非舟之本體。




Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Some Feedback after Watching the Documentary Beijing or Bust

Alas, thus spake the X-guitarist of the legendary Chinese heavy metal band, Tang Dynasy, Kaiser Kuo, in his matter-of-fact tonality regarding the state of affair in modern China:

let's be thankful there isn't one,(a vision and ideology strife for a nation), and that the ad-hoc pragmatism aimed at raising income levels and creating what Beijing modestly calls a “xiaokang” society while putting out the innumerable fires is, well, good enough for now. I'm glad that ideology is a dirty word for most Chinese people I know, and if we have to endure a generation or two of near-naked materialism, so be it.
----Nov. 27th, 2004, from his web journal:

I read this short excerpt out of an entry on his web journal after I saw his appearance on this show last night on PBS called Beijing or Bust, in which a handful of Asian Americans talked about their experience in Beijing juxtaposing their lives against the backdrop of a rapidly changing China. Kaiser, being one of the most outspoken apologists of the current social landscape of China, actually appeared in quite a few Western programs, one of the others I saw before was in this British-produced world travel show called, Globe Trekker, in which a Brit-blonde damsel paid a visit to Beijing and briefly interviewed him in a voguish/ avant-garde pub. Kaiser, in his idiosyncratic and over-confident expression, delivered a speech exhorting the Western folks to have a new look at China, and heralded the grandiose peaceful horizon of the so-perceived PAX-COMMUNIST-CHINA, and I quote: “everyone thinks that this is the ultimate ‘police-state’, and …there’s no such thing.” [sic]

This same type of melodramatic sentiment pervades the show Beijing or Bust inside-out. Kaiser, who was one of the main characters in the film had gave the most input on current issues of China, all of whom embraced/acquiesced/consented the overall social-political landscape of China. This led me wanting to further investigate Kaiser’s thoughts via the internet, which led me into his web journal and surprisingly encountered one of the most outrageous comments coming out of an America-educated Chinese: “I'm glad that ideology is a dirty word for most Chinese people”. My God! Since I used to bear deep admiration for the Beijing rock-scene and used to admire his X-Band Tang Dynasty, which always represented to me as the paradigm for anti-establishment and rebels of accepted norms, whose ultra-nationalistic disposition had unreservedly caught my enchantment during my youthful years. And yet, today, having witnessing his and other fellow company’s sensational and yet total pro-Beijing stance has left me in utter stun, let alone disappointment… Isn’t his participation in one of the most incendiary rock band, named Tang Dynasty the very manifestation of the most grandiose ideology a descent Chinese might possess?

The halfhearted approach and kitschy representation of the show is fittingly summarized as one of the interviewee’s comment on current Chinese society: “lots of (fanfare) appearances, no substance”. Its airing was very much in accord with the tremendous amount of media attention of the so-perceived idea of “China Rising”, which was in itself generating much lucrative capital as well as cultural curiosity. (Let’s go Beijing! Beijing Olympic 2008! Beijing Welcome You!) Lots of tongue-in-cheeks and vertiginous smokescreen are being fabricated into this mirage of a nascent superpower. “This is the Wild Wild East”, thus proclaimed one of the interviewee, and images of Western tourists flooding the hooker-saturated streets of San Li Tun, Beijing, pretty much encapsulated the exotic-savvy minded foreigners’ infatuation with today’s China.

I was terribly crestfallen after watching the whole show aired in this intellectually oriented channel, PBS, whose sole obligation should’ve been bringing public awareness of social-political justice in any given environment, and yet, this particular show had totally degenerated toward much celluloid of pinups and tabloids of banal platitude, in another words, utterly inconsequential and full of sensationalism.

It FAILED to address the essential dilemma facing China today: not a word was being poignantly directed toward the ruling dictatorship—CCP! When the film shows footages of the 1999’s “legit” demonstration of angry students protesting in front of the U.S. embassy in Beijing due to NATO air-raid of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, it only scratched on the surface of an ostensible rising Chinese nationalism. No mentioning whatsoever about the whole scam was fired-up by surreptitious Reds’ agitation, the very Tour de Force of Commie treachery. Any sensible human being will easily see that after the bloody crackdown of the 1989 Tiananmen incident, which was a bona fide student demonstration, the only two so-called “legit” demonstrations, (which meant they’re being reviewed and AUTHORIZED by the city’s police bureau) and received large (planned) media attention was the 1999 one, which was aimed against the U.S. and the 2005 nationwide demonstration, which was aimed against the Japanese! Come on, is anyone still awake? I’m about the only little boy who’s sensible enough to point out that the emperor doesn’t have any clothes on! Has everyone all fail to realize the shameless chicanery and ferocious brutality of CCP? How come not a single footage was addressed about the thousands of suburban and rural riots against local oppression and the ruthless liquidation of FaLunGong practitioners and human rights activists?

The central thesis of the film is that China is modernized and transforming rapidly, so that once upon a time, there’re these six Chinese-Americans wanting to embrace their roots at the expense of their conscience and national integrity. I want to just remind others that while there might be these few handfuls of foreign citizens who wanted to obtain something like a residential alien status in China, on the other hand, there’re still thousands and thousands of Chinese who are fleeing the Reds’ confinement and longing for a better life in the Free World. Now that’s some authentic and substantial gumption which is worthwhile exploring, rather than keep perpetuating this stereotyped and empty myth of “China Rising” as if the People’s Republic of China is really going to be entering the status of a superpower? I mean seriously.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Some Afterthought on Chang Jung's Book, "MAO"

Having read about 200 pages of MAO, I have obtained a substantial insight of one of modern history’s most colossal and mythical figures; In the pantheon of the “incarnates”, regardless of their deeds, Mao is certainly to be categorized as one of the top-brass ubermensch, (to borrow a Nietzschean terminology), along with the statues of Napoleon, Lincoln, Hitler, and Stalin. All of them had single-handedly shaped the course of human experience with an earthshaking might and a sublimated legacy which is bound to endure into eternity. It is safe to conjecture that Mao was an unordinary prodigy of his time, who posed to me as a redoubtable juggernaut! Juxtaposing to the Anima of his red dragon-like scale, I am indeed being dwarfed as a little boy, who only possesses the passion and courage like that of David and Siegfried.

If Mao indeed represents everything that I’m opposing, if I am even probing on the periphery of the possibility of casting away the Red-spell, I need to study this man inside-out with a zealous inquisition in order to pierce into the heart of this red-worshipping phenomenon, which until this date still possesses the infatuation of millions of Chinese. Having read thus far, the following are some conclusions which are rational to enumerate:

1. Mao’s whole life capsulated the Chinese history of Modern era. To analyze and interpret him is to explain the Chinese destiny of the 20th Century.

2. China at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of 20th Century was a land of PANDEMONIUM. Mass majority of the population were “dirt-poor”, (as said by the author in the notes of the book), and had been utterly impoverished and dispossessed by natural and man-made catastrophes. After the fall of the Manchu Dynasty, the whole country was divided into numerous arbitrarily carved out regions monopolized by vying warlords. This phenomenon was being further exploited by different types of ambitious daredevils whose aim was to conquer the whole country—the Japanese imperialism; Moscow’s secret Red subversion with its infamous COMINTERN’s agent, CCP; as well as the demon-incarnated and the self-perceived as the “mandate-of-heaven”, Mao.

3. Mao indeed possessed that extraordinary aura surrounding him and emanated an infinitely exuberant charisma, which easily bend the knees of a Folk with a millennium-old tradition of emperor-worshipping.

4. Due to China’s economic backward condition and the deplorable under-educated masses at the turn of the 20th Century, it was indeed the most attractive haven for communist/Bolshevist/Proletarian/Socialist propagation. When the world saw the triumph of the October Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet Union, it made even more ordinary Chinese, (most of them being poor!!) wanting to create a Red state of their own. Both of my grandparents were among the millions who had been enchanted by this egalitarian-like Proletariat Ruled utopian fantasy.

5. If people had to choose from the warlords, (which means the disintegration of China), the Japanese, (which means the colonization of China), the KMT, (which means the embracing of an inept governing of a corruption-saturated Nanjing administration and perpetual “Capitalist/feudal/imperial” exploitation), and the Reds, (who promised a phony panacea to relieve all China’s demise and establish an Orwellian “animal farm” of their own), the majority kindhearted innocent civilians will easily incline toward the latter, consider you don’t need too much brain power to plant seditious propaganda among factory workers and rustic peasants to foment riot and confrontation!

In summary, I would just like to add that by this time everyone had forgot all about that abortive infant republican government of Beijing whose fleeting existence only lasted for 17 years, (1911-1928), and which was destroyed by the KMT’s Northern Expedition! It is rightly to speculate as hindsight that Chiang Kai Shek’s fatal mistake was to oust the Beijing government and destroyed the Five-Color Flag, which represented all of the Hope of a New China. Granted that the Beijing government was just as incompetent and fallible, it was nonetheless the central authority with official international recognition. When Chiang invalidated the power of the First Republic and tried to foster his own out of scratch, he was once again lurching as a fledgling and bound to be inflicted with hideous assaults from all fronts. At the meantime, in the eyes of all beholders of Chiang’s militant intention to unify China was so that the country will be monopolized under the KMT dictatorship, symbolized by the new flag with their own party emblem, the White Sun, on it! This fateful blow was to strengthen all factions with their own treacherous aim—the Japanese, the Warlords, and last but not least, the REDS!

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Monday, May 15, 2006


子曰﹕「為政以德﹐譬如北辰﹐居其所而眾星共之」。 -----《論語》‧《為政篇》








Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Q & A


Dear Comrade:

I sincerely appreciate your deepest concern regarding the well being of our nation and your strong inclination toward the reformation of our current stagnating political status quo. I will try the best I can to address each of your inquisitive enquiry in order to manifest my ideas as well as the fundamental principles of FPC in a more lucid and methodical approach. It is in the most profound interest of mine to see that you will obtain a more comprehensive knowledge of the nature of FPC and the Cause for a new China after you’ve read my respond.

1. What is your vision about China's alternative fate in coming 30 years, politically?

To talk about the alternative trajectory of Chinese politics we first have to lay out as a premise the conventional notion of its progression. I assume that most people will tend to wish to see the CCP to reform itself within the next few decades in order to see China to become more democratic and thus humane. However, this groundless assumption will not endure any serious examination if one possesses a keen insight of the fundamental party lines of CCP. To wit, the CCP has already consecrated itself to be the ultimate arbiter of the fate of China with its infamous philosophy of proletariat dictatorship/democratic centralism. This has been written into the PRC Constitution and has been consistent throughout the history of PRC despite the disparate ostensible social phenomenon from Mao’s era to Deng’s so-called “Reform and Open-Up” period. And this very principle had been reiterated by Jiang’s “Three Representatives”, and only gets refined under the current administration of Hu. Its core political guideline is to serve the very self-preservation of CCP as an end in itself. To wish to see the totalitarian Communist to reform to a free and democratic parliamentarian party is like to wish to see a toad transform into a swan. It is simply inconceivable and totally at odds with the interest and philosophy of the Reds; for their very conception constitutes as an antithesis of the Western Capitalism/private sector-driven Laissez Faire/republican parliamentarianism since the mid-19th Century. They simply want an one-party rulership within the framework of a transitional socialist stage to an ultimate communist utopia, which nominally represents the interest of the proletariat, originally as the peasant-worker alliance mainly postulated under Maoist philosophy. A brief examination of modern China’s social stratification, in which the most populous members of society that the CCP superficially represent actually constitute the exploited masses of the lowest class, unreservedly testified CCP’s hypocrisy and its total incompetence. Its treacherous scheme is to cheat the naive masses, and its end is to pose itself as the Lord of China. Will it ever allow freedom of the press and free transference of knowledge? Will it ever step down and get itself “voted” out of the office from a parliament and permit the existence of universal suffrage? Anyone who is not brainwashed by the Reds’ propaganda will laugh their heart out of such fictional speculation. The only ones who really believe the “plausibility” of such whimsical hypothesis are the brainwashed, and the only ones who condone the CCP’s lies are merchants without conscience.

Therefore, I am a wholehearted advocate of the abdication of CCP and the restoration of the First Republic, which is symbolized by its glorious and most daring emblem of the Five Color Flag, and this leads me to answer your question of the alternative political route of China. It first consists of a massive revolution which is to inflict the coup de grace upon the CCP and catalytically accelerates its internal collapse. The revolution is going to be waged under the leadership of common fighters to erect a Neo-China of the New World. It might assume myriads of faces and shapes, adopting myriads of means and practices, however, consistently operating under the common umbrella of the Five Color Flag and striving for the same end, which is the reestablishment of the original republic of 1911. Only this time it is going to be triumphant and the establishment of a Federal Republic of China will be the dawn for a new generation of Chinese.

2. What is the best shortcut for China's future?

The shortcut to gain political momentum is very elusive, hard to predict, and always conditional to a given situation. There’re too numerous potential causes: e.g.: the intensification between Taiwan Strait; worsen U.S.-China relationship; fomenting civil unrest; increasing violence waged by secessionists from all shades of creeds and causes, etc., all of which will lead to a gesture of the ruling party to tighten its control and thus only exacerbate its own destruction. We should always be vigilant and not to forfeit any opportunities that’s open at our disposal. In this respect I recommend all fellow comrades to do a bit more research on our national treasure, namely, the philosophy of Dao. To wait for the precise moment to strike takes endless patience and perseverance. I can only say that the real power is among the masses, or the Folk, for they can be both docile as tranquil water and raging as fearsome conflagration. They are the very quintessential end of the FPC’s most earnest concern, and they will be the determinant agent to bring about the downfall of the Reds. Because the FPC is first and foremost a folkish party, it upholds the Chinese Folk as its most honorable benefactor, and endeavors in every means possible only to improve and refine the folkish character, virtue and morality, for without the Folk, there will no longer exist such notion as the Chinese civilization.

3. What can we do in any of the above alternatives?

As an adamant fighter of the agenda I have put forward above, I will do my best to accomplish such a colossal aim. Many of the plans to initiate this Cause had already been laid out in my previous correspondences under the title of Project Spartan so there’s no need to repeat them here. I will just like to clarify for one thing and thus exculpate any potential accusation or indictment of FPC’s underlying motivation for power struggle.

Granted, without power, one is vulnerable and weak. Just like the millions of the exploited masses in China, for they’re truly “powerless”. This is precisely the intention of FPC to gain power on the behalf of the Chinese Folk in order to invigorate them with their fundamental citizen’s rights, universal suffrage, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, and right to form organization and union. Since the FPC is a rightist and conservative party in essence, which upholds our national and traditional cultural heritage in the honor of our Great Ancestor, together combines with modern democratic-republican ethos, it will assume a role of a parliamentary party elected by the people, whose sole purpose is to serve the Folk and monitor the soundness and exuberance of our National Spirit. It will not pose itself as the ultimate arbiter over the welfare of China, only the Law and the Constitution should be; and it will not write itself as the sole guarantor of the Chinese Destiny on the new republic’s constitution. Only the people are. To summarize, the only objective of FPC at the initial stage is to overthrow the Reds which it viewed as the greatest obstacle fettering the natural blossom of our civilization. Its end is for the reestablishment of a federal republic in the spirit of 1911, and to be a servant of the Chinese Folk whom it honors in its utmost loyalty.

4. Provide some more argument for why we want to establish our own cult?

The reason I brought up comparison on my last correspondence (Project Spartan II) between the FPC and a cult-following is purely for the sake of the proliferation of the movement. I have already made it clear that if you’re to examine the history book of man and come out with one essential conclusion that holds true absolutely regardless of its spatial-temporal setting, it is thus as the following: the sole agents of historical movements are always at their nascent stage a group of minorities, who attract followers primarily with their mightiest philosophy and noblest virtue through a long period of endurance, and finally be able to form itself from a tiny snow ball into an avalanche that in turn shaped a new outlook of human destiny and moral landscape. This is the golden rule of man’s experience on this planet and will hold true for as long as man who see himself as such. This is why if we are to think of bringing changes to China and redeeming her out of its current quagmire of social anomy and moral degeneration; we are not that different from all previous history makers start from the clan of Huang Di 黄帝 down to Dr. Sun Zhong Shan’s Xing Zhong Hui 兴中会.

Here I have to stress the validity and efficiency of such organization over the other petty little so-called NGOs, Human-Rights activists, and all other self-brandished Chinese Democratic parties scatter all over the world who’re only waiting to get themselves written on the ballots and win a few wretched seats in the future parliament of China. This is not to discredit the good works done by some of these groups, nonetheless, the mass majorities of them really lack any vision; maybe they saved a few lives and freed a few bodies from the Reds and win the praise of themselves as the herald of justice, but at the same time the Soul of our civilization had been totally abandoned and all the valuable energy squandered; for if they aim small, they end up small. This is why ever since its inception of FPC; it was aiming toward a Mass Awakening. It doesn’t care about the release of a few weak bodies from the Reds’ cell and their deportation to the West, but wholeheartedly dedicated toward the total freedom of the Chinese Folk from the Reds’ spiritual and physical confinement. To do this, only an organization that’s comparable with a cultish fanaticism and radicalism will the fulfillment of the Cause be feasible. Just take a look the forcefulness of the Fa Lun Gong (FLG) practitioners who are 100% a cult follower of Li Hong Zhi! This is why the Reds fear them far more than a so-called “democratic-movement” ( min yun) activist.

5. Why can't we join an existing one and improve and make changes of it?

Your fifth question actually bears correspondence to the latter half of my answer above. Let me offer you with a summary of the current situation of the bona fide contemporary opposition political organizations of China who are all residing outside the Reds’ jurisdiction; for if they are within, they will face only two options waiting for them: be nipped out of existence or proselytized into a “Commie-favorite” complementary parties who will only hold a brief public appearance during the Red’s phony “Two Meetings”. I will enumerate those groups according to their level of significance and substantiality and those too numerous and inconsequential ones are simply going to be omitted both by me and by history.

The most powerful and fearsome two groups are the KMT and the FLG respectively at this stage. Now even though the FPC will always be a spiritual follower of our forefather Sun Zhong Shan, who’s the founder of the KMT, the modern Taiwan based KMT is actually very different after such a long ruthless transition of time, and indeed, had lost all genuine fighting spirit that held so dearly to those first generation of revolutionaries. I had already made it clear that today’s KMT will be in no way to accept such a progressive platform of FPC, nor will they ever bring up the very notion of defeating the Reds. Starting from Li Deng Hui, to Lian Zhan, until today’s Ma Yin Jiu, the KMT has totally diminished down to an out-and-out political club of Taiwan, who even lost the executive rights to the Green camps and in turn shamelessly forming a quasi-alliance with the Reds in order to achieve their pathetic aim of whatever.

The FLG is today the most resilient, forceful, and fearsome organization that’s grass-rooted and 100% committed. However, they’re still totally a semi-religious organization whose public-stated cause is totally and exclusively for freedom of speech and religious belief. While the Chinese history had shown too often that historical movement always gets initiated by a bunch of religious-oriented sects, from the “Huang-Jin”(Yellow Ribbon) of the Late-East Han period down to the “Bai-Lian” (White Lotus) uprising and the “TaiPing Rebellion”(Kingdom of Heavenly Peace) pseudo-Catholic mutiny in the late Qing Dynasty, they seldom signified any substantial political might and only will be viewed as a harbinger of a transforming age. Today, the FLG is no different from those previous ones, and the most important aspect they signified is that people is slowing waking up, and becoming more and more discontent with the current establishment. Since you and I are already both men with faith and belief, it will be unlikely for us to become one of the FLG practitioner, however, this does not rule out the possibility of other fellow adherent of the FPC be a faithful believer of the FLG, or matter of fact, any other religious belief.

The next one is the current exile-government of Tibet. They are one of the most senior members of the anti-Reds Cause, and have gained significant publicity in the West and recently even mesmerized the popular mind of the West with an enchanting and euphoric image of the Tibetan Holy Land and the Pope-like benevolence of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama in order to win sympathy and support for the Free Tibet Cause. I have already stated my disposition on the FPC blog regarding the Tibet Question under the title “Free Tibet”, so there’s no need to repeat. I will just say that you and I both have far more encompassing and broader concerns to improve the lot of whole China, it is unlikely for us to join one of the denominators as well.

The Uyghur Independence Cause is too remote for us to venture into both for practical as well as cultural elements. Some of them had already embraced the Jihad’s stance and officially forming alliance with the Al-Quaeda. In a recent audio-broadcast of their spiritual leader, Bin-Laden, who called for fighting not only against the “Zionist-Crusaders” of the West and Israel, but also the U.N. and China, of the latter he brandished as “represents the Buddhists and Pagans of the world” (sic.) So you can see that the militant Muslim fanatics are beyond reasoning, therefore even if they do represent some power, it is only destructive.

Finally I shall shed some light on the groups and individuals of “Min Yun” camps. After their world-renowned event of the 6/4 incident which bred a generation of them and gave many of them fame and success, they sort of dispersed and went their own way. The peculiar activist, Peng Ming彭明 (who got a life-sentence last year and still sitting in the prison cell somewhere in China) gave a very good description of them which I think is worthwhile noting: he said that the Min Yun camp are devoid of camps really but full of individuals, which might’ve been a general trait of the “conceited Chinese”. Therefore we see many Min Yun Stars, e.g., Wang Dan, Wei Jing Sheng, Yuan Hong Bin, just to name a few. But we don’t really see any significant group impact like the FLG has. Although I admire very much Mr. Wei Jing Sheng, I don’t see any possibility of him actually venture into the realm of power-struggle with the Reds, and tucked himself away cozily as a White House pet and establishing a foundation of his own. Although he has rescued a handful of political prisoners, I don’t see any of them are fitting material for the real fight ahead. And there’s our favorite boy out of 6/4, Wang Dan. Other than getting himself a Ph.D. and being a nominal editor-in-chief of the Beijing Spring periodicals, I think he has occupied himself most of the times with lamenting verses and dubious poetry. Even though you see there’re so-called Chinese democratic parties-in-exile bourgeoning everywhere today, they seldom strike a significant cord and actually are being infested with political-asylum seekers, pimps, criminals, scoundrels, and pedophile. The scandals reeking over the Min Yun camp makes one want to shun away from any of their shady business. Like I had said before, if you don’t see a temple worthy enough to house our sacred National Spirit, you have to establish one of your own.

Lastly, I will just like to mention those ones who are being incarcerated by the Reds, such as Wang Bing Zhang王炳章,Peng Ming彭明, Yang Jian Li杨建利, and many other anonymous ones, their courage and determination are the greatest virtue of mankind and it is my deepest honor to praise their deed and their will power, for they have failed but there will be new comrades to inherit their spirit and continue their unfinished work.

6. What's your plot to expand the group?

The initiatives I have proposed are already contained in Project Spartan, so there’re no need to repeat them, only to elaborate and expand the issues and agendas. Here, I only want to say that, as the founder of the FPC, it is not just another denominator of the Min Yun camp, but totally transcends their limited scope and horizon. The FPC is aiming toward the redemption of the 1.3 billion Chinese Folk from the Reds’ infamous socialist/proletariat dictatorship. It will attract fellow fighters from the motherland because if you are aiming toward the advancement of people’s lot, you’ve got to engage them with your uttermost sincerity. Again, this leads to the comparison of the cultish following, it is only through this kind of conviction will the propagation of the movement be possible regardless the location and presence of the leadership. At this primary stage, we need to officially set-up-shops within the Reds’ territory unnoticed. However, its ubiquitous presences throughout China will make it ever elusive and omnipotent. It should be on the tip of everyone’s tongue and the top of everyone’s mind, as if people’s longing for the Second Coming. When the time’s right, we can transmit the very name and ideology of FPC and its existence into the public domain and left the Reds’ in bewilderment. Like I said in the second letter of Project Spartan, it is a Ghost at this stage and will incarnate into a physical body when Providence directs.

7. Is it possible to make any changes in China when we are physically outside?

This leads me to answer your final question, which is crucial in order to comprehend the phenomenon of Civilization’s transition. If you’re to pierce mankind’s very activity down to their intrinsic essence, you will realize that we’re spiritual being. Everything exists merely as an idea. Just as the Daoist philosophy of “wu wei” had rightly manifested, the one who’s nowhere is everywhere. In this respect, I think Mao had comprehended this very wisdom and done a superb job considered he’s actually one of the “incarnated” as well, only being a delegate of the Devil. But the phenomenon is identical with the spread of Gospel. Those few who had come down with the Annunciation of a Mission transcend their physical confinement. You, my friend, exist to me only as an idea, and we can communicate with each other perfectly well despite of our physical remoteness. This will in turn be exactly the same if we’re to communicate with a fellow adherent no matter where he is. There’re just too numerous instances of such transcendental phenomenon: Our forefather Dr. Sun Zhong Shan, directed the overthrow of the Manchu Empire in the U.S. Lenin directed the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in Switzerland. The initial phase of the Chinese Soviet-Proletariat Revolution was directed by COMINTERN from Moscow while Mao was simply a henchman. The Modern Age had advance human existence to a whole other level, in which physical boundary had become more and more meaningless. I have already stated this in more detail in the second letter of Project Spartan, and I hope you shouldn’t see this physical divide as an obstacle. To understand people we have to probe into their hearts, and we can do this any where and any time.

So the only labor left for us is simply to spread the message and initiate the Cause with disciples and followers, all or which should be comprehensively designated as the two initial phase of Project Spartan: Operation Eureka and Operation Odyssey..

I hope the account above will bring some new light to you and I’m looking forward to hear from you with any feedback, suggestions, and amendments to the movement.



Wednesday, May 03, 2006


In the tumultuous days of the past few weeks, I had engaged in a heated debate with some self-brandished Chinese "reform-minded" intellects who reside in North America. They disguise themselves as democratic advocates, but intrinsically, all are simply a bunch of racial degenerates who wish nothing but the destruction of Chinese civilization. This, being the primarily cause of my infuriation, propelled me to launch a series of assault on their treacherous motives. The following are some excerpts of my opinion regarding the above quintessential agenda, which solely determines the soundness and wellbeing of our National Spirit. In addition, it also offer another light of some further exploration of the nature of my disposition as well as the general platform of FPC:


I have just read an article from the author who postulates with his specious reasoning, clumsy enumeration, and venomous effrontery, the abolishment of Chinese characters, written in Chinese! By a Chinese! (at least in his blood, skin, and his last name!) And calling for the eradication of the Chinese spirit! Based on the autho's blog and his writing, one can tell that he's an ardent recently-converted Christian turned WESTERN-CENTRIC!

I have no problem with any religion on this planet and frankly admire some of the quintessential Christian virtues that made the West one of the most eminent civilizations. However, to utilize the West's cultural property and turn wholeheartedly against one's own tradition and his nation just as Mr. Liu had done is utterly a spineless cowardly crime against his people! In German, there's the word ¨Landesverrat〃 which means treason against one's motherland; it is such a properly fitting charge for Mr. Liu and his company!

The website in which his articles can be read ( is miserably and absurdly lacking a general unifying principle to begin with, which can only draw laughter and ridicules from those true enemy of the Right. And this is why we see so many scums and traders who're posting orgiastic tirades against their own motherland! This is a capital offense against the very definition of the word "rightist", which is on the basis, be true to one's birth place! (¨Nation〃, the wordˇs etymological root derives from Latin, ¨natio〃 which means to be born.)...

Criticizing our beloved Chinese character and not knowing itˇs one of the worldˇs oldest writing and indeed a cultural heritage of mankind, which imbued with our ancestors wisdom and virtue, and with Providenceˇs Blessing and Grace, is still in practice! How come the Japanese didnˇt call for an all-root-out Chinese character in their language, and even view those who with a deeper knowledge of the Chinese character as a respectable savant? Whoˇs to say that the language curbs their creativity? And on the contrary! I shall say, it is not until the wholehearted importation of Chinese culture during the period of Tang Dynasty when the whole Europe is under the black veil of Dark Age that our crown jewel were injected into the neighboring societies with a vital and creative force, which we comprehensively recognized as the East Asian Phenomenon!

Just because thereˇre a few rotten fruits and heˇs calling to dump the whole basket and replace us with the milk of an alien bred, such person is surely a disgrace to this website and indeed to our Great Ancestor. Iˇm calling for a PURGE of this website and a root out of all those Chinese ¨Chinese-haters〃 whoˇre the worst specimen of the degenerate one can find!

To be a true nationalist one has to walk such a fine line between the Red scoundrels on the one side and shameless apostates on the other!

To all of those Western-centric apologetics and traitors of the Chinese Folk:

Concerning the anti-Reds sentiment we are on the same front. So just be clarified as in the premise that I am an authentic opponent of the Reds’ totalitarianism. However, that DOES NOT commensurate my nationalistic spirit with your nihilistic vision of the destruction of Chinese civilization in such a vainglorious whim that a total westernization will redeem China, for too numerous instances had attested for your ill-predicted claim. Just take a look at the colonies of Africa, Latin America, and south Asia, all of which had been so-called, “westernized” for centuries, and a majorities of them had been converted to Christendom, and linguistically transformed into Western languages, such as Spanish, French, English, etc. And yet the contemporary plight of many of those former European colonies had testified all too obvious your short-sighted ideology of a so-called “participation into the civilized world".

Indeed the idea postulated by people like you aren’t refreshing at all, and the same type of rubbish had been put forward at the beginning of 20th century, by more poignant minded members of the intelligentsia such as LU XUN 鲁迅, HU SHI 胡适, WU YU吴虞 and co. during post-5/4 incident, who stood in the turmoil of their era, irrationally cried out the total destruction of everything “Chinese”. Indeed, the whole country with its utterly abhorring low level of education among the masses actually saw the plausibility in such nonsense and manifested their foolish hope, the same craving as yours, in the realization of the Reds’ foundation of PRC. This is why I’m so perplexed at the fact that maggots like you, and the like-minded so-called intellects aren’t Rightist at all, but a wholehearted, out-and-out LEFT WING RADICALS!

One of your fellow comrades asked me what the definition of being Chinese is. The simplest answer to such a fundamental and basic query, which even a ten year-old knows ten times better than lunatics like you is simply as this: be True to your people, motherland, and culture. You might oppose a form of political system, which granted to be totally acceptable under the ethos of modern civil standard, namely, freedom of speech. It’s another thing to lay invectives upon your ancestor which could only be realized by a bunch of dementia! I’m happy to see that the Chinese people, with all of their resourcefulness and their unbounded creativity under extreme harsh conditions and after experiencing vicissitude of millenniums of war and peace, had survived into the modern era, and will aboard their voyage onto prosperity for time to come. For the sake of petty minds like you, the people can do away with, for they are there thousands of years ago long before your wretched little soul had “miserably” incarnated into a Chinese family, which you probably really detested, and they will continue to proliferate in our beloved motherland long after your decayed body turned into ashes!

Communication between Fellow Comrade:

As I have pointed out the worst crime of their dirty babbling, to blame the misery of our recent Collective Chinese Experience wholeheartedly on our culture and its most important embodiment, the language, is such an absurd act. When he had drawn similarity between the Reds and its ultimate leader, Mao with the feudal and dynastic Emperor, the accusation might’ve gotten passed to an ordinary eye, however, the claim is out-and-out SPECIOUS. For the REDS’ experience that the Chinese had suffered most tragically was a total NEW CONTACT. The germ of it was rooted in the West as a counteraction for the Industrial Age. And Mao had simply imported this alien organism from Stalin, who inherited from Lenin, who imported from the ghosts of Marx and Engles and their infamous Communist Manifesto from 1848. The whole ethos of the PRC’s first phase of growth was totally FOREIGN: the Commune System, the Great Leap Forward, the REDS’ Propaganda (This phenomenon really first took root in the Catholic Church and the REDS had in turn copied from the Soviets, who copied from the German, thanks to the brilliant architect of the Third Reich, Dr. Josef Goebbels, who copied from the Church.)

The Culture Revolution was such a traumatic stigma for the Chinese, that the very purpose of it is actually similar to Chen’s treacherous ambition, to wit, the destruction of traditional FOLKISH element and the replacement with alien bred. For this Precise Reason, Chen’s REAL hidden intention is to wage another Culture Revolution! This time, not replacing it with the Soviets’, but with the West’s. You can just tell that the realization of both instances in China is really not only the destruction of our National Spirit, but a total CAPITULATION either to the REDS or to the WEST!

This is why, by the very reckoning of his and his cronies’ vicious intent, we will stand together and forming an opposite line against their shameless proselytism.

The FPC has always retained a solid and uncompromising ideology: that is, by following the original doctrine of the 1911, the re-establishment of the Chinese Republic! With Dr. Sun Zhong Shan’s Three-MING philosophy forming the backbone of our common edifice, we are first and foremost a FOLKISH CAMP and a battalion to fight the Reds, heartless traitors and radical Leftists like them! The first-Ming, the very nationalism that they’re so critical of, is actual one of our highest pride to be cherished, which needs to be clarified. For the Nationalism we’re advocating is called “Civic-Nationalism”, not “ethnic-nationalism” that they’re accusing of. For what we are advocating is a common national identity, a distinguished cultural past, and a unique multi-ethnic make-up, which together transforms into a new phenomenon of the Chinese Civilization. What we want is to let people hear the word “CHINA” with pride, honor, and dignity, not disgrace and guilt like the indictment they’re so venomously against. Provided by such overarching philosophy, it is totally acceptable and matter-of-fact natural, to uphold, say, Tibetan Nationalism, Turkic Nationalism, Mongolian Nationalism, Manchurian Nationalism, Sino Nationalism, etc. which the Five-Color Flag is to be the ultimate emblem.