Grand Strategy - IX The Nature of Chinese Civilization

(In Progress)
The Chinese race is not a worldly-oriented people, really, they're the Hobbits living merrily in their own little world in the sense of J. R. R. Tolkiens of the Lord of the Rings, if you will. As an ethnic Chinese myself, I maintain an innate and overwhelming conviction that such verdict isn't much of a harsh or a distaining criticism, but simply a matter of fact. And there isn't anything wrong with that, please bear in mind, for the world simply DOES NOT need every single individual to claim the sole leadership as to the salvation and the direction of mankind, I think so far the Americans had done a fairly satisfactory job at it already, and the English language is the greatest language the world has ever seen as far as in the sphere of the spread of knowledge and the developement of intelligence. Personally, had I not been aquainted with the English language, I simply would not have written this book per se, and would probably become either a meso-Confusian dogmatist or a Communist propaganda mouthpiece. On the other hand, nor do I take the position like those anti-China zealots who want the abolition of the Chinese language for once and all, I just want to relay to my readers that the world is beyond the Chinese Consciousness, and in order to comprehend its essence, one has to have a competent command of its lingua franca, viz. English.