A Confession of Faith

The following postulations are excerpts from a number of correspondences I wrote to attentive fellow Chinese living in North America. The prose is simply a manifestation of my ideas which collectively constitute a personal confession of faith in our national destiny:
Our language is the crown jewel of our civilization which needs to be preserved at all cost in the virtue of Tradition, Culture, and Humanity. Although I am in no way for the eradication of the “simplified version” as a matter of expediency and commonality, I am a staunch believer that the “Formal or Traditional” Chinese should retain a dominant role in the communication arena simply for the sake of educating the masses. (Consider the Reds back in its heydays as the Great Destroyer who raped the culture and cut the throat of our civilization with the utmost finesse of depriving our people’s very imaginative ability to such a banality that is self evident. And today he tries to make up for the decades-long catastrophes that he waged upon China with all vain attempts.) In addition, as the electronic age is approaching our current epoch, when for the most part everything is neatly typed, Traditional and Simplified version of Chinese is nothing of a laborious matter other than a political ideology.
I am 100% Chinese in both blood and spirit, it’s probably my Diaspora-like situation which ironically make me more Chinese than one who’s residing inside the Red’s jurisdiction that we know as “China”. Ostensibly I might’ve strike one as more Americanized Chinese to a stereotypical “mainlander”. However, I truly maintain and faithfully believe that the blood is being regenerated within me and that a generation of Neo-Chinese is bound to be born. The Reds’ fatal mistake is that by his demonic atrocity that he wrecked over the holy land of China had lead to a great wave of Exodus of those bona fide Chinese nationalists over the last half century, who will ultimately become the sole agent of his retribution. The Red’s Nemesis is counting down.
As to my opinion of the KMT and its current leader Mr. Ma, I had only wish to see that the GOP of China can take a more progressive approach toward Communist deterrence if a wholehearted coup de grace of the Reds is yet to be executed. It is in this light of reckoning that Mr. Ma’s closed-door meeting with U.S. officials is being presided. We can all guest what had been said and what had been tacitly understood in Mr. Ma’s brief visit to Washington a few days ago, which according to Mr. Ma’s own words that US-ROC relationship remains intact and that he will not risk it for reconciliation with the Reds in fundamental issues. We can all make a safe conjecture that the United States is still the ultimate arbiter between the Taiwan Straits.
However, I am always more concern about the real stake, namely, the general wellbeing and spiritual soundness of our civilization, and less about the trifle on the island of Taiwan, which all in all, comprised only roughly 2% of ALL China! With the rest of 98% still under the hegemony of that most venomous and treacherous regime the Chinese people has ever seen in their 5000 thousand years of history! To rid our beloved motherland of the Red Terror solely depend on the ones who had undergone a political awakening, the very crucial catalyst that the Reds is desperately trying to outlaw and extinguish inside his own jurisdiction.
As of the attitude toward the independence of Taiwan, I am absolutely against it in the very definition of the word. However, at the same time, I am a staunch defendant of Taiwan’s total autonomy under current political status quo, that is, the Reds should keep its claws off the purity of Taiwan. So that it is in this respect I am with Mr. Cao’s opinion on upgrading Taiwan’s military capability to ward off potential threat (we all know who is being implicated), and that I think when Mr. Ma Ying Jiu visited Washington, U.S. officials had as well persuaded, or shall we say intimated, the military spending issue of ROC.
With regard to the island formerly known as Formosa, and today as Taiwan, history had made too clear that she’s a child of the Motherland, and its 23 million inhabitants, all Chinese in their blood and spirit. In this respect it was also the aspiration and ultimate end that our forefathers fought and struggled for. The Reds being wily and shrewd as always, usurped the endeavor and poses himself as a False Idol.
I am an adherent of Sun Zhong Shan as the spiritual father of all Chinese nationalists. It is in this ideal that I don’t want to see the independence of Taiwan, but a united democratic China. In the light of current political modus vivendi, I wish to see KMT took a more vehement and progressive position toward the Reds. This is a crucial issue which has to do not only with Taiwan, but also with all other greater areas of China that are not formerly known to be “Chinese”. This is why even though I am not a supporter of Tibetan independence; I am a fervent sympathizer for the cause of Free Tibet Movement, and a firm supporter for the return of His Holiness, Dalai Lama to his native land. Personally I have developed a deep love toward that sacred piece of land we know as the highest country on earth, and I have bore a deep abhorrence toward the Reds’ evil deeds that it inflicted upon Tibet and her people.
We as fellow Chinese nationals having the current status as Diaspora, have all bear a keen affection toward our motherland that I think probably even the native Chinese could not comprehend. Even though the time being spiritually severed from our civilization is excruciating and emotionally tormenting, a curse is just as well as a gift, so that we should take this opportunity as the Nietzscherian Zarathustra, after years of spiritual quest in a hazardous Odyssey, shall one day return to his people and simply tell them the truth.
Our civilization, like all other prosperous ones are among God’s favorites, otherwise she wouldn’t have existed until today as one of the earliest civilizations that sprang out of Mother Earth. We too, have a prophet who was later canonized to be a Holy Saint and our Great Teacher, his name is Confucius. For it is he, gave our civilization identity, ethics, morality, confidence and ultimately prosperity. And this is precisely why, the Reds had wanted to break our national spirit and knock our Great Ancestor off the pedestal and replace it with that demonic idol Mao. Today, being cunning as he always is, had revised his platform and superficially restored the statue back to its temple. However, we should always be vigilant toward the Reds’ whimsical gesture, for the statue he restored is merely a piece of plaster, not the real one, a spiritual one which should be restored to our national body. This, the Reds will do everything in his power to prevent in order to preserve his satanic despotism.
The KMT had tried desperately upholding our national coherence under Sun Zhong Shan and later Jiang Jie Shi. However, due to the miserable condition China got herself in at the turn of 20th century, she had neither the physical strength nor the spiritual awareness to come to this profounder understanding and in turn had willingly sacrificed herself under the claws of Communism.
The Destiny of China is all too clear, and there actually existed a general consensus among passionate Chinese nationalists, that is, to rid China of Red Terror as a premise and establish a republic in a federal spirit. It is only in the virtue of federalism that a land as immense as China and population as humongous will the establishment of a free republic become feasible. Just as how the United States practices the art of nation-building and statecraft. If Democracy is the means, the establishment of the Federal Republic is the end. However, to everyone, to see the Goddess of Democracy becoming the patron angel of China is only a dream, for too long! But just how beautiful it is!
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