A Few General Principles of FPC《中国联邦党几条基本原则》

It is an eternal fact that historical movement is primarily initiated by a group of minority, whom upon receiving the divine Calling and Revelation; proceeded to advance the Providential Will in the secular world. It is also a fact that in order to erect such grand edifice of our collective national Spirit, group effort is required, as well as tenacity and perseverance, which are indispensable for the ultimate realization of our highest aim.
有一个永恒的事实,即,历史的运动主要是由一批少数人群所开启的, 他们因感应了一种冥冥中传来的神秘呼唤和启示,开始着手在世俗世界中逐步行使那神的旨意。还有一件事实,即,为了建立代表我们华夏族魂的精神大厦, 集体的力量是必需的;同时武装起百折不挠的毅力, 将对于实现我们最高的终极目标乃必不可缺的。
Since its inception, the FPC (Federalist Party of China) has inherited the genes and essence of our forefather’s greatest ideal—the establishment of a republic on our motherland. However, in a century of struggle the dream has yet to be fulfilled. What's left with us today is that totalitarian and autocratic Red regime that usurps our nation's right to be self-determined, and left our country divided, people fettered, Spirit crushed, heroes ostracized, and Faith annihilated.
自发迹伊始, 中国联邦党 (FPC) 矢志秉承吾国先父之遗梦, 即,建立中华共和。然而, 历经百年此梦尚未成真。至今仍疮痍满目, 共匪篡权夺位,极权无道, 以至人民的权益被肆意践踏, 国体被分裂,自由被束缚,精神被摧残, 仁人志士被迫害放逐, 信仰被荡涤殆尽。
It is with this disenchantment that the FPC will always belong to the Pan-Blue camp in spirit, and revere our forefather Sun Zhong Shan as the ultimate ideological inspiration. However, in practice, it will grow as an offshoot due to current political status quo.
有感于此, FPC在精神上将一直归属于泛蓝阵营, 并秉承先父孙中山的民主宏愿为精神主导。然在实际操作上, 基于当前的政治格局, FPC 将以崭新独立的面貌问鼎新中国。
It cannot be forgotten that winning the heart is far more crucial than winning the body. Therefore, the quality and effectiveness of any member of the movement primarily depends on his faith.
我们不能够忘记嬴得人心比起嬴得身体乃更为决定性的。因此, 任何成员的品质及其效能最终取决于他的信仰。
It is in this respect that we should take the most heed and effort to inoculate ourselves with an unbreakable creed. The following slogan and oath, which, in reality an eternal faith, should be memorized:
"We have a mission in each one of us—to revive the Spirit that still runs in our blood—in order to restore the Soul of our civilization.”
“吾等将终生坚守使命——复兴血脉中仍沸腾的民族精神, 以重建我华夏文明之魂。”
"I pledge allegiance to the Five Color Flag in the conviction of the ultimate establishment of the Federal Republic of China, which is manifested to be the unfinished project left from our forefather, Sun Zhong Shan. I will dedicate my utmost devotion to this divine Cause, in time of hardship and endurance, until its final fulfillment. I here upon the witness of Heaven and Earth, take this holy Oath. So help me our Great Ancestor.”
“我将誓死捍卫五色旗所象征的神圣使命,以求最终建立中华联邦共和国,完成国父孙中山未竟的事业。我将为此献出最挚诚的信念, 无论坚韧险阻, 矢志不渝。天地为证, 守此圣誓。愿华夏先祖与我同在。”
It is also understood that for all comrades fighting for this sacred Cause in order to redeem our dear motherland and her children from the Red Spell, a heart of steel should be formed out of the mundane quotidian livelihood that's wearing off people's will and the sharpness of their perspective, therefore the following exhortation is dedicated to all those individuals whose heart and spirit are still raging:
“We've got a short and fleeting life, so the most important thing for us is a blazing faith that keeps burning inside your heart, in order to spread the spirit of transcendence in the midst of a struggle.”
Da Chu Xing
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