Ma Ying Jiu's "Status Quo"

I had attended KMT leader, Ma Yin Jiu's "Meeting with Chinese Youth" forum held in NYU today. Frankly, I was disappointed with it as nothing but a host for fans' picture taking and present exchange event.
99% of the youth present are Taiwanese, and only wanted Mr. Ma's warm hand shake, picture together, and a bit of enthusiastic admiration for Mr. Ma's charismatic physique with absolutely no comprehension of the meaning and essence of being a true Chinese. They exhibit a great distrust toward mainlander and alienate them as a menacing agent of the Red's, which will only degenerate to the point of xenophobia.
I had impose upon the generous nature of Mr. Ma a poignant query to which he only equivocate and gives off a magnanimous but yet ambivalent attitude toward the Reds, the question is as follows:
I had only brought up this historic context in the hope that he might relate current "status quo" (a term he stresses too often) with past historical experiences. However, he neglect all the necessary contents of the question, and only gave a respond to the last portion of the question which, if to summarize, is the naive adoption of humanitarian means of engagement between Taiwan Strait, such as, more cross-strait student exchange; annual June-4th solidarity commemoration; more investment in mainland via economic means, and utilize entrepreneurship from Taiwan to open up “10,000 elementary schools in rural China” (in his own words).
Upon hearing such generous and altruistic proclamation from Mr. Ma, I was force to ponder over the nature of the counterpart that he's adamantly advocating for more engagement and therefore more viable means toward eventual unification and democratization: is CCP the kind of person that you can reason with and ultimately proselytize just because you appease the beast with his immediate hunger?
In this respect I agree with Mr. Cao Chang Qing's criticism with regard to Pan-Blue's opposition toward budget spending for military upgrade. I am under the impression that the ideal of our forefather upon the founding of this great republic in China was that one day it will be in equal status with other super power; and by definition, shouldn't any power maintain a strong military might to ward off adversary with imminent superiority?
In the light of historical perspective, Mr. Ma's reiteration of maitaining the current“Status Quo”as the most pragmatic option might need some serious amendment lest the Red wolf after getting a habit of appeasement which only exacerbate his ferocity will ultimately lead to the little Red Riding Hood's own demise.
If the pan-blue is to uphold an image to the rest of the world that the ROC is self-assured and affirming the role as an indispensable member of the Free World, and the sole legitimate heir to the First Repulic, she has to not only overcome its current national security inertia, but ultimately stand up to the Reds with a disposition that the Providential Righteousness is on her side in both spiritual as well as material realm, and that Freedom and Democracy will be triumphant through out all China one day!
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