1. Freedom of speech and human rights issues in modern China; its plight and infringement by the CCP and how we can counteract to this suppression. This problem now exists more acutely in CCP’s control and constant quarantine of the Internet, the last remaining frontier of any possible outlet and venues for free distribution of information and public opinions.
2. The current status quo of greater China, i.e. Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and former Manchuria, a.k.a. Dong San Sheng. Understandably that it is a fact de jure that these territories are comprehensively parts of whole China, it is nonetheless a critical act of overlordship and therefore hegemony upper the indigenous population. The oppressions are especially poignant in Tibet and Xinjiang, where local ethnic groups are under severe monitoring and exploitation, e.g. Islam is not allowed to be practiced in Chinese run schools in Xinjiang; local populations are being pushed to backward and rustic slums and villages, whereas modern high-rises and urban facilities are built for the extinguished and privileged Chinese, who mostly have CCP connections. This is most ostensible in the capital of Xinjiang, Urumqi; Tibetan Buddhism is being state-run and His Holiness, Dalai Lama is forced in exile, who is being almost dubbed as a “separatist/potential terrorist” by the spokesman of CCP on the day of opening up the new railroad station in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa. So-called autonomy is a sham which leads to an intrinsic cultural decline of indigenous culture and the marginalization of local population. This is an utter Imperial gesture by CCP’s own standard.
3. CCP’s bellicose and coercive gesture toward neighboring countries especially Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Pacific island nations, which poses potential threats in terms of global peace and stability. The only effective counterbalance to check its power is the United States, whose own geopolitical interests in the Western Pacific is also immense, to wit, The Island of Guam, which is a territory of U.S., along with close allies, such as Taiwan, Japan, and others, are the only effective means of military containment should a possible naval conflict initiated by China’s ambitious designs toward the Pacific be materialized.
4. The well-being and soundness of our national and cultural integrity. This, I think, is the most important issue because it is really the root of everything. The multifarious facets and social phenomena are all nothing but a manifestation of the nation’s spiritual constitution. And it is precisely which the leaders and the governing entity are responsible of. The end produce is a people, a society, a culture and a nation-state which we comprehensively known as a civilization. Given the premise that the CCP is the current incumbent governing body whose totalitarian measures had reached its peak in Mao’s era, and only modestly and superficially toned-down in a Communist revisionist way. We have to ask the question: are we complacent with its ways of dictatorial government? This, I think, is the most fundamental concern for a decent individual of any nationalities. Without which, one cannot called oneself a morally responsible citizen, the very fact that is intrinsically lacking among the brainwashed people of PRC. Is China making head-on advancement in the material realm at the expense of a spirit that is withering? The end result is that of a hollow people with no substance, character, and honor. To install this fundamental awareness is at the core of schooling, which the CCP’s methods of education system has utterly failed to address, and instead, inculcates a people with blind faith and allegiance toward the Party and Big Brother.
5. How to snowball the discontents and indignation among disenchanted individuals into an effective body that’s capable of initiating real momentum. It is a fact that many are angry at the current ruling party of China, but are unable to do anything out of fear and retaliation from the CCP. Their throat are cut so they cannot speak out, their hearing are muted because there are nothing to hear about. We need to address this issue and devise ways to amass these scattering disaffected elements into a unifying organization, whose ultimate aim is to redeem China from a spiritual and moral degeneration.
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