White Paper on the 20th Anniversary of the June 4th 1989 Tiananmen Incident

The 1989 June 4th Tiananmen Incident took place in Beijing is comprised of two components, which are the petitioning by the people and the massacre perpetrated by the government. The petition has commenced at the onset of the death of the late general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Hu Yaobang on April 15th, and ended with the occupation of the Tiananmen Square by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at the expense of over ten thousands of casualties on the dawn of June 4th. The petition was lead by the students, which has come to be known also as a student movement, followed by the participation and support from the people all over the country. The petition was carried out in the manner of parade demonstration, free assembly, association, and the more extreme way of fasting in the Tiananmen Square. The petition was to appeal for a more liberal political environment, which included the rights for the freedom of the press and freedom of speech and expression, and also included anti-corruption campaign expressed in the ubiquitous slogan, “down with the official profiteers”. When the government had labeled the petition as an anti-revolutionary turbulence on as early as April 25th, the students were obliged to take up a gesture of protest in the manner of fasting in order to repeal the “turbulence” label, after the decreeing of martial law by then prime minister of the PRC state department, Li Peng on May 20th, which infuriated the people, who thereby called for the “impeachment of Li Peng” and the “repeal of marshal law” in their petition.
After the students had gone to the streets, then de facto head of the state and chairman of the military commission of the Central Committee of CCP, Deng Xiaoping, had already concluded with the imminence of a political upheaval and ordered the mobilization of PLA forces to Beijing from as early as April 25th. This has clearly demonstrated that the Chinese government had already prepared for a military crackdown on any democratic movements, and the labeling of “anti-revolutionary turbulence” was simply an excuse to carry out the crackdown.
After the marshal law was in effect on May 20th, PLA troops began to move in to Beijing. However, the troops had encountered peaceful blockades by the civilian populace. In addition, there was differences of opinion within the CCP leadership and severe criticism from the general public, the troops were held off in the Beijing suburbs and ordered for standby. When the people petitioned for an ultimate arbiter from the highest legal authority of the national government, which is the National People’s Congress and its standing committee, the government faction lead by Deng Xiaoping opted for a refusal of compromise, and had shown an unwillingness of approach within the framework of the constitution’s democratic procedure in order to resolve the people’s appeals. Instead, those hardliners were committed to deploy troops into Beijing and clear out Tiananmen Square with any necessary sacrifices by June 3rd. It was during this forceful engagement that the troops fired live bullets on ordinary civilians and resistant students, and tanks had mowed over the bodies of civilians. After the incident, the government claimed that the troops had caused hundreds of deaths of students and civilians, and inflicted injuries of thousands.
After the June 4th Tiananmen Incident, the Chinese government didn’t carry out any substantial investigations of this tragedy, on the contrary, in the face of waves of denouncements from the international community in the next twenty years, the Chinese government merely revised the incident from “turbulence” or “riot” to “a political upheaval”. On the other hand, it has consistently blocked off any information, reports, and discussions regarding the Tiananmen Incident within the country, and continues to endorse its claim on the appropriateness of its military suppression. It proclaims that “the victory of the suppression on the anti-revolutionary riots has consolidated the nation’s position on a socialist road and secured the fruits of the ten years old reform policy”. It continues to attempt to cover its crimes of a ruthless massacre with some progress made by the reform policy.
The authorities even went as far as denying the right to appeal for justice from the families of the victims of June 4th massacre. The mothers of those Tiananmen victims, (a.k.a. Tiananmen Mothers) have been calling for “truth telling, refusal to forget, a quest for justice, and an evocation of conscience” in all these years. Nevertheless, so far the government was still turning a blind eye on them, and even harassed the families trying to commemorate their lost ones from time to time.
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the June 4th 1989 Tiananmen massacre, we have devised this white paper in order to retell the truth and call for an evocation of conscience and the return of justice to the Chinese people.
First, there was simply no “turbulence” during the people’s petition in the spring of 1989 in Beijing. But the authorities had labeled the event as “turbulence” on as early as April 25th. Various historic documents have attested that from the death of Hu Yaobang on April 15th to 25th, even though there were students’ public demonstrations and free associations on the campuses, the civilians’ daily life in Beijing was orderly and peaceful, and there wasn’t even any interference with the government institutions and businesses. Demonstrations and parades are just not the standard measures for “turbulence”. However, the authority was only alleging the political appeals of the demonstration as an evidence for the occurrence of “turbulence”, and condemned the demonstrators for attempting to “denounce the CCP”. In fact, the students were only petitioning for the rights for freedom of speech and calling for anti-corruption, all of which was clearly stipulated as their rights on the existing PRC constitution. They have never explicitly opposed the CCP, nor have they called for the reform of the institutional structure of PRC constitution. But the government was afraid of the people excising their rights to engage in freedom of speech, and therefore simply labeled such gesture of petitioning for free speech as already a violation. This manifests the stark reality that the CCP’s manner was an insult and contempt of its own constitution.
Secondly, up until the beginning of June of 1989, there were no riots occurred in Beijing. There were no violent incidents, and no illegal armaments. The social order before the so-called “suppressions” by the government was stable. As to the so-called “mobs” prosecuted by the authorities after the June 4th incident, they were all civilians opposing the forceful occupation of Tiananmen Square by the PLA. Also, the authorities had never provided any hard evidences for “turbulences” before the military marched into the city, and never accused or tried any “mobs” for the alleged violence before the military was sent in to the city. On the contrary, the truth is that the fully armed PLA forces were order to forcefully invade and occupy Beijing first, and some civilians were resisting them afterwards. That is how it caused a massacre finally. Apparently, the military’s “suppression on anti-revolutionary riots” was an utter preposterous claim, and a total reversal of truth.
Again, the nature of such brutal massacre cannot be questioned. The premise was that the military’s opponents were unarmed civilians and students. They have never caused any “turbulences”, nor have they started any “riots”. They have only engaged in peaceful petitioning activities legally granted by the PRC constitution. On the other hand, the 1989 decreeing of marshal laws was also devoid of any legality or plausibility. The military’s primary responsible was to protect the nation from external forces, and defend any foreign invasions. The military cannot partake or interfere with any peaceful political disputes domestically. If absolutely needed, the troops excising marshal law had to be called in by the local government in cooperation. However, the military was mobilized toward Beijing very early on before the marshal law was even issued. This act clearly attests that the military was only a convenient apparatus of the oligarchic CCP regime to resolve any political crisis, and it is a humiliation of the Chinese military by the ruling authorities.
Finally, the issuing of marshal law was really an illegal violation, because it has never been submitted to, deliberated and approved by the standing committee of the PRC state department. The ten statutes on the rights of public demonstration from the Beijing city laws had also been largely ignored, due to the fact that the legislature of the central government at the time simply didn’t introduce any concrete laws regarding the protection or restriction on the rights of public demonstration. Therefore, the local government has no rights to restrict those basic civil rights of the people stipulated by the PRC constitution.
In the 20 years followed the June 4th incident, the areas of people’s rights for democracy and freedom has never been improved, and political prisoners had only been increased. And the petitioning for anti-corruption and “anti-official profiteering” had never been properly addressed. China today is still on the top of most corrupted society in the world. Even though the economy has gained a substantial progress under the leadership of top-down authoritarianism, we cannot allow today’s economic progress to cover up yesterday’s crimes committed by the government.
In order to avoid such massacre from happening again, the nature and truth of June 4th Tiananmen Incident has to be publicly exposed. If the PRC government is to live up to the image of a responsible and conscientious government that it says it is, then it must investigate and publicize the truth of June 4th incident, appease and reconcile with the families of the victims of the June 4th massacre, and prosecute those culprits responsible for their crimes against the people.
“六•四”天安门事件20 周年纪念白皮书
As one of the colleague students at that time, I still feel honorable taking part in the event.
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