Sunday, October 14, 2007


On Chinese Right-wing Revisionist National Resurgence

An Overview


Confer: Federalism in China




- 西方保守派即繼承與發揚經典自由主義思想及人權至上的原則。

- 中國傳統即傳承及光大國粹人文精華。


- 宣傳並普及正確和客觀的歷史史觀﹐人文價值觀﹐以及民主自由的世界觀。

- 解放國人的思想﹐開放其自身辯解及創造力﹐認識到人類歷史進程的終極目標是邁向一個全球化的自由世界實乃大勢所趨也。


- 符合當代先進文明國度的一切文明準則。

- 建立牢固而強盛的民族自信心。


The Federalists are heralding a new movement of "Chinese Right-wing Revisionist National Resurgence", which is based on the trinity of the following three fundamental canons:

1: "Chinese neo-rightists". That is, advocate of a new school of ideology which combines the Western conservative right and the Chinese traditional elements.

-Western conservative right is the inheritors and propagators of the principles of classic libertarianism and the preeminence of Human Rights.

-Chinese traditional elements consist of the inheritance and refinement of the comprehensive legacy of Chinese cultural essence.

2: "Revisionism". That is to revise all of the wrong historicism, values, and world-views fostered under the Communist system, and resolved to undermine the fortress of Communist ideology.

- Educate and rectify so that a righteous and objective historic view, a humanist value system, and the world-view based on Freedom and Democracy could be taken roots in China.

- Liberate people's mind and encourage the individuals' own ability of adjudication and creativity, and to reckon that the overpowering trend of globalization as the realization of a Free World.

3: "National Resurgence". That is undertaking the above two doctrines simultaneously, in order to reach an authentic "resurgence". "National Resurgence" is based on the following two abiding principles:

- That it is coherent with all standards of contemporary advanced civilizations.

- That it is built on a firm and strong national confidence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2、「修正主義」乃是共产世界的陈词滥调。修正修正,乃是修而使之正,乃是假设其初始曾经正确或者可能正确,只是暂时误入歧途。 实际上,马列邪教宣扬暴力,宣扬仇恨,宣扬阶级灭绝,宣扬不择手段,反人性反文明反自由,是赤裸裸的邪教, 其造成千百万的人非正常死亡,是人类历史上最大的灾难。对此只有彻底的摈弃,不存在修正,不存在妥协。另外,即使不谈马列邪教,修正也难免有专横之嫌。正确就是正确,悖谬就是悖谬,岂能因为你的修改而改变。


- 符合當代先進文明國度的一切文明準則。才是最紧要的。

10:40 AM  
Blogger Dachuxing大楚兴 said...

Excuse me for my belated reply, since for your kind of mental caliber I do need some time to ruminate and deliberate upon your high-octane, acutely intelligent opinions = )

You strike me as an out-and-out "liberal", which is fine but there's a few things I think you have misinterpreted my intentions, for which I'd like to clarify in the following:

1. I have again and again reiterated my position as a Chinese neo-con, that is both West and East sense of the word. For East, it could also be interpreted as neo-Confucian. Even though I advocate for a traditionalist platform, that is an "enlightened" traditionalist, if you will, which means endorsing positive traditions, say Confucian filial loyalty, piety, honor, traditional Chinese character, etc, etc, the list goes endless, it is not calling for a return to the archaic authoritarian system, which granted, is very much a part of Chinese culture and tradition. This aspect is to be jettisoned from the 21th century Chinese civilization, utterly. My advocacy is primarily of "國粹人文精華", "人文精華" is not "专制糟粕".

2. I fully endorse your position as "传统文化必须植根于民主自由之上才能重获新生"。However, do not concur with your position when you say:"以传统文化与自由民权相提并论,乃是本末倒置,有违追求民主的初衷", rather, I think most will agree with me that it could be done, in a sober and rational manner, like the West in a "并驾齐驱" manner.

Secondly, I used the word "revisionism" mainly to coin the resolution to revise, which is what etymologically the word is from. That is to rectify false Chinese Communist historicism and propaganda. It connotes no way what-so-ever to the Revisionism during the Khrushchev era, Gorbachev's Perestroika, or Deng Xiaoping's Reform. I reckon it is one of the primary duties facing us since most people have been indoctrinated by Communist teaching, and we are to revise those false ideologies. In this position I think I'll have your full consent.

3. 「民族復興」is a popular term that got mythologized and for worse, stigmatized by Chinese Communism for the past half century. That is why I think you have begotten a negative view on it, nevertheless, the term itself has its full righteous legitimacy, and I have stressed that it is to be carried out with "在以上兩點得以並駕齊驅之時﹐使吾國能得到真正的「復興」。 " I am advocating for the authentic Chinese national resurgence under the condition of self-confidence of our noble heritage and the exercise of liberal democracy. That is to say, Communist China is a false national resurgence, a mirage at best.

This is what the Chinese nation of 1.3 billion people have anticipated as the eschatological realization of our collective destiny for over a hundred years. And the Chinese Communists have exploited and usurped such noble aspiration. We are calling for a re-definition, so that patriotism could be exercised in a proper manner.

I think we have our common ground on the major picture, and a better mutual understanding of our stance will surely assist our future undertakings and help solidify our convictions.

I hope you can see that Chinese neo-conservatism is an outreach offshoot of Western conservatism, in which we took pride and maintain our confidence in our tradition and heritage, stand firm on the front of anti-communism, and uphold western libertarianism, which are all equally at core of our belief system. The goal of which, is of course, as you have brilliantly put it: "确保中国的真正走向民主富强的坦途。这也是我们重新高举五色旗的初衷".

10:41 AM  
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