
Tiananmen Square Victims Must Have Justice, Insists Amnesty International on 18th Anniversary of Massacre Ahead of Beijing Olympics, Continued Failure to Live Up to Promises to Improve Human Rights
(Washington, DC) When the eyes of the world are focused on the Beijing Olympics in August 2008, many will be reminded of a previous occasion when the city became the center of world media attention - the June 4, 1989 crackdown on unarmed students and other peaceful protesters in and around Tiananmen Square, resulting in hundreds of deaths and injuries. Many spectators will legitimately wonder what steps the Chinese authorities have taken over the years to right the wrongs of these tragic events.
Despite long-standing calls for justice by the victims and Chinese rights activists, the authorities have failed to carry out any independent inquiry into this event with a view to bringing the perpetrators to account and providing compensation for the victims or their families. The government also continues to stifle public debate over the issue, which remains erased from magazines, newspapers, school textbooks and Internet sites in China. Over the last year in particular, official policies of media control and censorship have intensified, preventing any public analysis or discussion of June 4, 1989 as well as other politically sensitive periods in China's recent history.
"On the 18th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, the Chinese authorities cannot continue to ignore the reality of that tragic day," said Larry Cox, Amnesty International USA executive director. "It's long past time to release all those who remain in prison as a result of the crackdown, and officially remove the ban on local journalists reporting the event's details. Chinese officials promised to improve human rights and ensure 'complete media freedom' in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics next year, and the international community must hold them to their word."
Recently, the Beijing-based Tiananmen Mothers repeated its call to the Chinese government for an official investigation into the events, the prosecution of those responsible and public accounting and reparations for the victims or their families. A letter was signed by 128 victims and family members of those killed in the crackdown. Amnesty International echoes their concerns and continues to support their calls for justice.
"Dozens of people are believed to remain in prison in China in connection with their involvement in the 1989 pro-democracy movement, but no official statistics exist," said T. Kumar, Amnesty International USA advocacy director for Asia and the Pacific. "Amnesty International urges the authorities to publicly account for and release anyone who remains in prison in connection with the crackdown."
China's efforts to stifle freedom of expression have not been confined within national borders. In November 2006, the Serbian authorities reportedly cancelled a Belgrade screening of the film "Summer Palace," which was set against the backdrop of the 1989 protests, after receiving a letter from the Chinese embassy warning that the film was "strictly forbidden" in China and should be withdrawn to preserve "good bilateral relations." Amnesty International regrets the decision of the Serbian authorities to bow to such pressure.
"As China's political and economic influence grows, the global community must resist attempts by the Chinese authorities to 'export' its policies of restricting freedom of expression, failing to take responsibility for its actions and denying the pain and suffering of the Tiananmen victims and their families," said Cox.
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