Thursday, December 14, 2006

《立行措施》Immediate Implementation


我感到深深地荣兴能够与一些我国最优秀和最勇敢的人们对话,你们炽热的情感和爱国心的确是最值得仿效和赞赏的。正如此项共识所言,由我发起并建立的这个神圣的兄弟会,中国联邦党(FPC), 亦应在精神和热情上承载着旗鼓相当的力度。我们一起, 才能够创造出中国史无前例的剧变和升华。我们亲爱的母国已经目睹了在黄河流域的心脏地所诞生出的华夏文明的曙光;她看到了威严的秦朝帝国雄师一统中原大地;她亦目击了宏伟显赫的唐朝中华黄金时代;而且她一次又一次地证实了中华民族幸存于各种社会文化之劫难。仅仅在几十年前,一场空前绝后,而且是最险恶的浩劫就发生在毛泽东最黑暗的的红色恐怖执政之下, 这场灾难尚未痊愈,并在我们的集体记忆和意识中留下了一道如此深刻的疤痕。我们的文明十足地证明了吾辈实为人类历史进化的长程中一位真正的适者和赢家。 历史正在召唤着我们。

然而, 假如一个民族国家是被比作为一个有机生物, 她的物质界域和公共机构为肢体和器官, 每个市民作为基本单位的核心细胞从而构成一个整体的话, 那么,我们对其诊断后将发现今天的中国已经被某种疾病所侵蚀,并且难以简便地下药医治。只有一套完全而透彻的综合会诊才会蓦然得出一项骇人的发现,即她已面临病入膏肓的征兆。 除了来自所有那些表面症状,类如生态污染,土质退化, 逐渐酝酿中的社会不安,民间的不仁不义,及道德的急剧降格等等。诸如这一切都佐证了一项核心问题,即我们的族魂正逐渐地衰弱黯淡下去。

正因如此, 我站在这, 作为一个尚未被感染的一个华侨同胞,在经过深思熟虑的观察及慎重的沉思之后庄严地提出如下宣布,即所有以上诸类我国所患的病症和疾苦都将无法解开地紧紧维系于那腐败而专制的中国共产党的独裁执政,因为自 1949年它宣布其为中国的最高统治者以来就已经将它自身凌驾于我国民整体的福祉之上并奉天陈运地成为了终极仲裁者。但是,我们期待已久的安祥和逐步迈向一个现代共和国的进程以及所有那些空虚的承诺在随着它那“邪恶帝国”的诞生却始终未被兑现。而恰恰相反,在它几十年间的极权暴政和几进魔王似的统治期, 我们的民族已经彻彻底底地受尽了它的肆虐和凌辱。我们的孩子们被完全摧残和教条化后而被重新组装成国家机器中的一套零件,“时刻准备着”去执行任何中共所能想出的奇幻命令。

今天,因在长年累月和彻头彻底的填鸭式的教化下,甚至有许多同胞们认为中共是吾国与吾民的救星和父母,它那忤逆魁首,一个无处不在的鬼影毛泽东,则被膜拜为是一个救世主和神一般的偶像。大多数的人已满足于改良的生活水平和表面上雷同和平主义式的当今社会及一个伪善的“被改革了的慈祥”执政党。在长期的洗脑后,他们不知不觉地完全相信并认同了那些被允许在世间传播的信息, 懦弱地将我们的国家利益和人民利益等同于中共的利益。他们甚至无法察觉和辨析出一些最基本的共和精神和常识,一些基本人权的意识,而最具痛恶的是,他们缺乏了一个良好公民所应尽的义务和对于吾国族安危福祉的关怀。

有鉴于上述诸项觉悟和认知,我们彼此援手以期能够解决这个痛心疾首的问题, 在于我们身为少数人群,仍然保持着我们的忠诚性,良知,勇气,以及我们对母国的热爱,而为此矢志肃清那些正慢慢毒害着我们憨厚的人民而且为我国最恶之首的奸人,伪君子,懦夫 , 谄媚小人,尔虞我诈和唯利是图之徒。因此, 我们秉尊FPC的原则做为我们的终极道德指示,并将那些在我们发起的运动进程里从中阻挠的对手视为不仅仅是我们的敌人,而且是我民族利益的敌人, 藉此更成为我文化和国家的敌人;因为如今任何人都应该认识到FPC实乃一民本政党,由一群最热情充沛的国族主义者组成,他们公忠体国的理念的和行为仅仅显示了其竭尽全力竖立一个在时代精神上融合了由五色旗.象征的1911年建立起的第一个共和国式的新国家。

说到这里,我想开始对诸位例举说明我这封信的中心方案。那就是, 我们的立行措施,并以由力加行动(Operation Eureka)所包含。(“由力加”为希腊语,意思是“我找到了!”)今天有一点不可否认的事实就是中共已经部署了足够的力量来监控和督管中国社会中的每个层面;而且它已经在监视和隔离互联网的工程中投入了更特殊的注意力,所以中国的媒体只能在一个非常有限的范围内进行传播和运作。然而, 这条战线却应是我们必须付出最顽强斗争的区域。今天我们正在展开一场信息战,而赢得人民的支持是首当其冲的,因为迫切的人力投资和组织建设在我们初级运动的阶段中是一个至关重要的问题。


首要的任务是我们必须寻找到一个可行而又现实的平台从而能够隐秘地向公众宣述我们的意向。这将更适宜由一个主要面向中青年 (20-40)的另类出版媒体来胜任,如果尚未具备,一个网站或网站论坛亦能担当此任。然而, 后者基于其脆弱的本性更容易面临被查封和审批的厄运,我认为前者的运作实际上更现实些;应考虑到的是我们暂不需要发表趋于激进或煽动性的言论而可以单单沿着现有意识形态的框架来运行操作。这样既能提供我们一个意味深长的发音渠道又获得了些许商业利润。


我们要联络的第三条战线就是广大的边远区域。 然而,这方面,我们要区别于中共在革命初期时的行径, 他们于1927年在南昌建立起的那个阴险的苏维埃政权之后, 立刻采用了所谓 “农村包围城市”的策略,而我们,作为FPC的斗士将不再效法那个旧世界式的游击战政策。因为在我们的权力斗争反映在我党的路线章程和意识形态时,均完全不同于中共的亡命之徒式的歇斯底里。我们不是毛系主义的革命派。身为一位FPC斗士,当我们需要面对权力斗争的时候,我们有我们的道德规章,哲学体系,仁义, 及原则。因此, 我们又必要建立起在广大的边远区域中的影响力,但是我们不视它为我们的根据地。在这个新世界的角斗场中, 事实上无论何处都能建立一个基地。而且所谓“延安解放区”的中共革命根据地的岁月无非已成为了历史的沉埃,它用那可耻的一页埋葬了无数悲哀和愤怒。

让我们需要深入的最后界域,而且也恰恰是我们最重要的项目之一, 就是居住在大中华地区边陲的广袤疆土,即,西藏,新疆 , 内蒙古,及其他等地的所谓“少数民族”。FPC迫切需要联合这些族群的各种不同利益,并帮助他们声援他们应和其他中国公民所享有的同等权利。我们非常有必要吸引这些族群加入我们的阵营,如此方能展现出与五色旗所象征的精神相一致的伟大理想。

我们绷弦待发的运动的第一阶段最为理想的结果应是积累起足够的来自各种不同背景的卓越人才,最终由一些互持共同信仰和渴望的同仁志士而聚义,为我们的终极目标付出至诚的贡献。为此,我的同志们, 我们必须奋斗在一起方能开启一个历史的新纪元!




Dear Fellow Comrades and Compatriots:

It is my deepest honor to speak to some of our nation’s best and most courageous people whose passion and patriotism are indeed the most exemplary and laudable. It is in this light of reckoning that I intent to build our sacred fraternity, the FPC, in the same degree of spirit and zeal. Together, we can effect the greatest historical upheaval that China had yet to witness. Our beloved motherland had seen the dawn of our civilization emerged in the heartland of the Yellow River Valley; the mighty imperial regiments of the Qin Dynasty united the whole land of China Proper; the Golden Age of the Tang Dynasty with her majestic and glorious sovereignty; and even the survival of numerous apocalyptical cultural/social deluge, the most recent and treacherous one being only a few decades ago under the darkest period of Mao’s Red Terror Reign, which left such a deep scar in our collective consciousness that has yet to be healed. Our civilization has proved to be a bona fide fitted survivor along the long course of historical evolution of mankind. History is calling upon us.

However, if a nation-state is to be compared to a living organism, her material realm and institutions being the body and organs, and every citizen a cell forming an integral nucleus as her fundamental composition, today’s China has been inflicted with a certain disease that’s hard to detect with a perfunctory checkup. Only thorough inside-out examinations will one to come to the revelation that she’s indeed sick with a venomous illness. Aside from all ostensible symptoms such as ecological pollution, land degradation, fomenting social unrests, civil injustice, moral degeneration, etc. the core of the disease lies in the gradual enfeeblement of our national Soul.

Therefore, I am here, as an unaffected national of China residing abroad, after making a studious observation and deliberate contemplation, thus solemnly put forward the verdict that all of the ill and sickness that our country had been inflicted with are inextricably associated with the corrupted and dictatorial reign of the Chinese Communist Party, for it has made itself the ultimate arbiter over the well-being of our commonwealth the day it proclaimed to be the overlord of China since 1949. And yet all of the empty promises of our long-awaited felicity as well as the progression toward the completion of a true modern Republic had yet to be fulfilled. On the contrary, over the period of its decades-long of totalitarian and diabolical rulership, our people had been traumatized and exploited to the hilt. Our children ruined and dogmatized until they’re being totally repackaged as a mere apparatus of the state ready to be executed into whatever mission the Party wishes in his whim.

Today, there’re even many of our fellow nationals who hold the view that CCP as the savior and parent of our people, and its ringleader, the ubiquitous ghost of Mao, a Messianic godly figure due to long periods of extensive and pedagogic indoctrination. Most people content themselves with the seemingly contemporary pacifist society with improved living standard, and a hypocritical “compassionately reformed” ruling party. After years of brainwashing they unwittingly believe everything that’s being permissibly circulated, and cowardly align the Party interest with our national interest and people’s interest. They failed to come to the realization with even some of the most fundamental awareness and knowledge of republican ethos, basic human rights, and most abhorrently, they are lack with a decent citizen’s responsibility and the caring for our national well-being.

It is then in the above light of disillusionment and realization that we have come to each other in the hope to resolve this heart wrenching problem, for we are among the minority who still retain our own integrity, conscience, courage, as well as our deepest love toward our country, that we wish to rid her out of those bastards, hypocrites, cowards, sycophants, crooks, philistines, who’re slowly poisoning our innocent people and posing as the ultimate vice toward our nation. Therefore, we uphold the FPC’s principles as our ultimate moral guidance, and view those who pose as an adversary in the progression of our movement not only as the enemy of us, but the enemy of our people’s interest, thereby our culture and nation’s as well, because, by now, anyone should come to the recognition that FPC is a populist party composed of a group of most passionate nationalists whose ideas and deeds are nothing other than a simple manifestation of endeavor in order to erect a new state under the Zeitgeist of the first republic in 1911 epitomized by the Five Color Flag.

Having said thus far, I wish to illustrate to you my central thesis of this letter. That is, our immediate gesture, comprehensively known as Operation Eureka. It is an undeniable situation today to acknowledge the fact that CCP has already wielded a significant amount of power in the monitoring and supervision of every facet of Chinese society; and it had devoted an especial attention in surveillance and quarantining the Internet, so that the Media in China can only embrace a very limited scope of information exchange. Nevertheless, this is also the front that we have to be the most belligerent in. Today we are fighting an information war in terms of winning people’s support, for manpower at the initial phase of our movement is also a key issue that we have to troop with.

For this I have to give some of my own opinions. It is ultimately a fact that a state is made up with people; same is true with an organization, or a team, for they are all essentially people-dealing business. Due to this very simple and yet crucial phenomenon, we also have to man our organization with competent individuals from all walks of life. Only in this way we can achieve more significant deeds and not being felt as limited in terms of our capability. This way we’ll be more resilient, more dynamic, and thus accumulating more substantial power to accommodate any possible undertaking.

First and foremost is that we have to find a viable and realistic platform to surreptitiously voice our agenda to the general public. This is preferably done by an alternative press that’s oriented toward young adults (20-40), if not, a website or forum host will due just as well. However, the latter, being easily prone for censorship and shut-down, I think the former is actually more realistic; considered the fact that we need not to put forward more inflammatory remark as yet and simply behavior along the line of given status quo. This can provide us a meaningful vocal outlet as well as some commercial income.

The second front we have to infiltrate and preferably establish some long-term connections in is the Labor Union and Campus. For these two institutions are historically vibrant with passionate and nationalistic folks, who’re more blunt and unafraid of pinpointing social ills. And it is potentially a greenhouse for us to harvest our loyal adherents in the future.

The Third Front we are going to get in touch with is the vast rural areas. However, this, we are going to differentiate from the revolution era of CCP is that CCP, after they had established their treacherous Soviet regime in Nan Chang in 1927, immediately adopted the policy of so-called “Village surrounding the City”. We, as FPC fighters are no longer going to emulate that Old-World style guerilla confrontation. For we differ completely from the CCP in terms of their party-line, their ideology, and their rogue desperation when it comes to power struggle. We are not Maoist revolutionaries. As FPC fighters, we have our moral codes, our philosophy, our compassion, and our principle when it comes to power struggle. Therefore, we have to establish an influence among the rural areas, but we do not view it as our power base. In this New-World arena, virtually anywhere could be constituted as a base. And the years of so-called “Yanan liberated Area” of CCP is a thing of the past with much sorrow and indignation buried in this shameful piece of history.

The final frontier for us to venture into, and rightly to be also one of our most important agenda, is the so-called “minorities” living in the vast peripheral territory of Greater China. That is, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, etc. It is crucial for FPC to ally itself with the various interests of these ethnic groups and help to advocate for their rights as identical as any other citizens of China. It will be most ideal to attract these ethnic groups into our camp and thus put forward an image that’s truly in coherence with the spirit, which our Five Color Flag symbolizes.

The ideal outcome of the first phase of our movement is thus to accumulate enough distinguished individuals coming from various backgrounds, who had come together under some common faith and longing, in order to contribute in the effect of our ultimate cause. For this, my fellow comrades, we have to work together in order to initiate a new historical era!

May our Great Ancestor bless our noble undertaking.

Yours faithfully,

Da Chu Xing

July 10th, 2006


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