Free Tibet is a Noble Cause

The violence and riots that's wrecking across the Tibetan plateau these days has aroused deep concerns from international interest groups, and not the least to the Tibetans themselves exiled as well as native. ACL and the Federalists of China staunchly condemn the Chinese Communist Party adopting any means of violent suppression of what appear to be by all accounts initiated as a peaceful petition and demonstration of Tibetan solidarity from monks and civilians. The rioters and the arsonists who later caused tragic death tolls have to be put on trials for their criminal deeds, but most crucially, it is the Chinese Communist Party who should be bearing most weight of culpability. The bitter seeds which the Communists had sown since its invasion in the beginning of 1950 had spawned some horrible fruits during the course of half century's hegemonic overlordship. Its policy toward Tibet is intrinsically flawed and its manner toward whom is pathologically dogged. At this pivotal moment, people would once again raise the question of the Tibetan settlement, and what it means to establish a "Free Tibet", the following postulation delineates a general outlook as to my political stance with regard to such inquiry.
I am not a supporter of Tibetan independence, but I am a fervent sympathizer for the cause of Free Tibet Movement, and a firm supporter for the return of His Holiness, Dala Lama to his native land. Personally, I developed a deep love toward that sacred piece of land that we know as the highest country on Earth, and I have bore a deep abhorrence toward the Reds' evil deeds that it inflicted upon her land and her people.
If the Tibetans will one day obtain their total freedom and live once again, with their free will, under the theocratic system presided by His Holiness, Dalai Lama, The Chinese will only be deeply honored with such profound and ancient religious institution erected by her side. It will only act as a protectorate with the reservation of total self-autonomy within the Tibetan's own jurisdiction. This means that the current regional configuration adopted by the Red's total arbitrary cartography will be abandoned, and the original Tibetan territory which includes today's vast areas of Qi Hai, Gan Su, and Si Chuan provinces will be restored back to their motherland.
I believe that the Tibetans deserve all of the equal rights which are postulated in the new constitution of the FRC. And it is precisely the primarily obligation of the new federal government as the guarantor to ensure the proper excise of such statutes endowed upon all citizens of FRC.
The following is a retort to many of the Chinese Tibetan-haters and CCP indoctrinated adherents out there:
"Your faith in the veracity of the medias of commie party organ is touching, it indicates that the age of innocence has not yet over. Just on the face-value why I support FREE TIBET: His holiness the Dalai lama of Tibetan Buddhism advocates PEACE, BENEVOLENCE, TOLERANCE, and UNIVERSAL FRATERNIZATION, on the other hand, the Chinese Commies espouses VIOLENCE, HATE, MASS STRUGGLE, and perpetual DICTATORSHIP, goddammit, will we even have the luxury to carry out this type of conversation w/in the confines of Commie walls? Everything's one voice, one think, one speak. The Tibetans need total autonomy, reconfiguration of their boundary, and the return of Dalai Lama and I'm wholeheartedly for it. 所谓,烧,杀,抢,打,砸,实乃共匪之老本行,现在嫁祸于人,自己装活菩萨,实是司空见惯,见怪不怪了... Commies need to get their claws off of Tibet, and off of China as well."
"IN THIS PARTICULAR INCIDENT--I'd rather wave the TIBETAN FLAG and tell the other vehement commie dogs waving the FIVE STAR RED FLAG in Chinese: 不要继续再作共匪奴才,为虎作伥了,你以为就你一个爱国吗?老子少小离家,流亡海外,离乡背井,走到哪不是堂堂正正的华人?我今儿就告你,自由西藏完全是个正义的动机!"
The following particular clause is a response to those who offers an "alternative" or "3rd platform" as to the current Tibetan question by mainly stipulating a desisted approach and standing "in a unique position to support both without antagonizing either":
"History has attested to us in numerous instances where one "stands firm in their own ground" amidst a battle field, an euphemism for neutrality, evil keeps on wrecking havocs. Refinements are left to theoreticians, my friend, while history has never been a banquet of the virtuosos."
西谚有云:“爱国是恶棍的最后避难所”,换言之,自喊“爱国”,恶棍即成了“伟大的革命烈士”。望如今,云云众生皆呼“爱国”而胡作非为,自诩为 “爱国志士”了,而其间,假公济私者,甚矣,趁火打劫者,甚矣,狐假虎威者,甚矣,为虎作伥者,甚矣,滥竽充数者,甚矣。其真爱国者,却离乡背井,流亡放逐,斯乃悲乎,吾洋洋华夏,哀乎,吾国吾民,皆成其助纣为虐者,岂料之,自古:“飞鸟尽,良弓藏,狡兔尽、走狗烹”。有史为鉴,毋庸赘言。
I think it should be clear that there's something wrong with the sick chinese culture.
your fellow chinese "nationalists" will burn you alive if they're allowed by their communist master.
I assure you that every civilization has its ugly side to it, admittedly China included, but that does not license you with such offensive derogative to label the Chinese culture as a whole.
You're right that with the tacit endorsement of the Communists as they once did back in the Maoist era, I would've of course received the worst possible punishment for my "outlandish remarks", but I maintain that I am on the side of the righteousness and it manifests plainly that my brand of "nationalism" is unequivocally different from those of my fellow compatriots.
I always use the term 专制文化, which oftentimes refers to the dominate official mainstream "culture" promoted by most of the regimes in the chinese history.
one of the typical banners of that 专制文化 is 大一统, for example.
I like 道德经 very much.
you didn't read closely.
I'm glad to see that you've been doing alright.
Peace out, man.
the previous post was mine.
forgot to put my name there.
btw, did you accept Jesus yet?
Guess not, eh.
no rush.
You are right that Chinese Civilization has been authoritarian for thousands of years, but one can detect that obviously this current one is one of the worst kind that ever existed in China.
I am a self-espoused Neocon (neo-Confucian and neo-conservative), and like the Paleo-Confucian, I am outside Confucian inside Taoist. I don't think one is necessary to embrace Jesus in order to embrace democracy, although of course I welcome the Gospels of Jesus to be spread amongst my fellow compatriots when democracy actually descended in China.
Christianity, Tibetan Buddhism, Catholicism, Confucianism, and Taoism should be able to save the Chinese Folk from today's Communist pandemonium.
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